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Highest peak Arnawad Peak ( 5992  m )
location Berg-Badachschan , Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij ( Tajikistan )
part of Pamir
Darwaskette (Tajikistan)
Coordinates 38 ° 34 '  N , 71 ° 31'  E Coordinates: 38 ° 34 '  N , 71 ° 31'  E
Darwaskette in the west of the Pamir

The Darwaskette ( Russian Дарва́зький хребе́т ) is a mountain range in the western Pamirs in Tajikistan .

The Darwaskette extends over a length of 200 km in a northeast-southwest direction in the west of the Tajik autonomous province of Berg-Badachschan on the border with the Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij region . It forms a continuation of the north-eastern chain of the Academy of Sciences . The mountain range forms the watershed between the Wantsch in the southeast and the Obichingou in the northwest. The peak Arnawad with a height of 5992  m is the highest peak of the mountain range. The entire glacier area of the Darwas chain covers approximately 750 km².

Individual evidence

  1. a b Article Darwaskette in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D019413~2a%3D~2b%3DDarwaskette
  2. Qullai Arnavad, Tajikistan on Peakbagger.com (English)