Odette de Carvalho e Souza

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Odette de Carvalho e Souza - Golda Meir , 1959. From May 3, 1959 to August 6, 1961, Odette de Carvalho e Souza was Ambassador to Tel Aviv .

Odette de Carvalho e Souza (born October 1, 1904 in Rio de Janeiro , † 1970 ) was a Brazilian diplomat .


From July 6, 1932 to April 1, 1934, de Carvalho e Souza was the archivist of the Brazilian delegation to the Geneva Disarmament Conference in Bern and a little later until September 1, 1935, as Addida ao Gabinete (Office Assistant to the Foreign Minister).

After the unsuccessful uprising of Luís Carlos Prestes in 1936/1937, she founded and headed the Serviços de Estudos e Investigações (SEI), the Itamaraty's intelligence service. After the Second World War , de Carvalho e Souza was taken over as a civil servant in the office of the Foreign Minister in 1946. In 1949 she was deployed as second-class legation secretary in Bern and from 1951 to 1956 as consul general in Lisbon .

Odette de Carvalho e Souza was Head of Politics at Itamaraty when the government of João Goulart established diplomatic relations with the government of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev . From a conservative point of view, this promoted the processo de bolchevização do Brasil . Archbishop Jaime de Barros Câmara opposed this foreign policy. In the Itamaraty, a group led by Odette de Carvalho e Souza sabotaged all initiatives to move closer to the socialist states. On September 22, 1958, she wrote a memorandum to José Carlos de Macedo Soares, who was Foreign Minister until July 3, 1958, in which she opposed an intensification of trade relations with countries behind the iron curtain .

In the following years Odette de Carvalho e Souza was appointed ambassador to Tel Aviv . Manoel Pio Corrêa , who later headed the Centro de Informações do Exterior, took over the management of the Politics department and an archive with profiles of citizens who were involved in activities that were considered subversive in the 1940s and 1950s .

From October 5, 1961 to December 14, 1964, Carvalho e Souza was ambassador to San José , Costa Rica, and from 1965 to 1969 he represented the Brazilian regime at the European Economic Community in Brussels .


  • Joaquim Nabuco, diplomata e geógrafo: conferência, 1950

Individual evidence

  1. João Henrique Botteri Negrão, Selvagens e incendiários : o discurso anticomunista do governo Vargas, 2005, p. 159 f.
  2. Heloisa Conceição Machado da Silva, DA SUBSTITUIÇAO DE IMPORTAÇOES A SUBSTITUIÇAO: DE EXPORTAÇOES, 2004, p. 186
  3. ^ Prefeitura da Cidade do Recife, July 31, 2007, O pai do serviço secreto do Itamaraty
predecessor Office successor
Amaury Banhos Porto de Oliveira Brazilian Ambassador to Tel Aviv
May 3, 1959 to August 6, 1961
Cláudio Luiz dos Santos Rocha
Marina de Mendonça Moscoso Brazilian Ambassador to San José
October 5, 1961 to December 14, 1964
Augusto Estellita Lins
Sérgio de Lima e Silva Representative of the Brazilian government to the EEC from
1965 to 1969
Antônio Corrêa do Lago