Lampedusa in Hamburg

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Lampedusa in Hamburg is a protest by 300 refugees who have been fighting for a permanent right to stay in Hamburg since March 2013 . The men had fled from Libya to Italy in the course of the events after the civil war and from there came to Germany. Some of the group originally came from countries in Africa that are considered safe. You have already completed an asylum procedure in Italy and therefore refuse a new asylum procedure in Germany. The stated goal is a right to stay with a work permit as a group, since the escape stories are very similar and they want to make their own living.

In the course of the following months, various people, including members of church associations and clubs, artists , football fans as well as party and trade union members as well as various groups from the left-wing scene showed their solidarity with the refugees.


Initially, according to a declaration made, the men had lived and worked in Libya and looked after their families. During the Libyan civil war, the ruler Gaddafi began to recruit more mercenaries from other African countries and use them against his enemies. After the end of the war in October 2011, black Africans were generally viewed by the former Libyan opposition as mercenaries of the hated regime. Members of the Lampedusa group then fled to Europe in boats or were forced to flee by opposition activists. There they were housed in a refugee camp in Lampedusa . According to their own statement, the Italian authorities finally gave some refugees 500 euros each and a residence permit for the Schengen area. In some cases the Italian authorities failed to initiate an asylum procedure and thus examine the possible right of men to asylum, thereby violating the European Dublin II Agreement. Other members of the Hamburg Lampedusa group had already gone through an asylum procedure in Italy and therefore refuse to go through it again in Germany.

Poster for the large demonstration on November 2, 2013

Chronology of events

May to August 2013

The refugees reached the city of Hamburg at the end of March 2013. However, the city authorities have banned an overnight camp and vigil. The refugees reported that the Italian government had given them 500 euros to go on to other European countries. The refugees initially found shelter in the city of Hamburg's winter emergency program. In April 2013, the city's winter emergency program came to an end, and some of the men lived on the streets from then on. On May 1, 2013, members of the group appeared in public for the first time during an event of the 34th Evangelical Church Congress . On May 3, 2013, members of the "Caravan for the Rights of Refugees" and members of the group "ATESH - For a Social Revolutionary Perspective!" on the refugee boat project at Sandtorkai in Hafencity . They distributed information, showed film documentaries and held discussions with interested parties. On May 15th, the group invited to a press conference and called on Mayor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the Hamburg citizenship under the motto "We did not survive the war in Libya to die on Hamburg's streets" for a serious conversation. On May 22, 2013, the refugees sat down in a protest action on a staircase in the town hall foyer and asked Mayor Olaf Scholz to talk again. However, this sent a message that he did not have time.

On June 2, 2013, the St. Pauli Church opened its door to people who were soaked and also sick. This happened spontaneously and unprepared. On June 8, 600 people at a demonstration demanded that the city of Hamburg support the refugees. In June and August 2013, under the motto Let's have something to eat together , activists from the Right to City Movement, the Lampedusa in Hamburg group and residents of the St. Pauli district met to grill and celebrate together in the Park Fiction . In July 2013, the refugees joined the Ver.di union . On July 11, 2013, the refugees opened the exhibition “We want our lives back” in front of St. Pauli Church . On August 19, 2013, Olaf Scholz was visited by 450 editors from the Hamburg school newspaper in the town hall. The subject of refugees from Lampedusa was also discussed. At that time, Scholz expressed the sentence "Italy is a wonderful country - a constitutional state where you cannot say: you cannot live there!". On August 17th, 2,500 people demonstrated for the refugees. 80 refugees were accommodated in the parish of the St. Pauli Church. In September 2013, some of the refugees, in cooperation with the Hamburg Thalia Theater , performed Elfriede Jelinek's essay "Die Schutzbefohlenen" in the St. Pauli Church as an original reading. Jelinek was connected with a video message. In addition, the subject of Santiago Sierra was dealt with in the Falckenberg Collection .

October 2013

On October 3rd there was a boat accident off Lampedusa in 2013 , in which around 390 people were killed. Since October there have been weekly demonstrations, the so-called Wednesday demos, which usually start from the protest tent on Steindamm . At the beginning of October 2013, some refugees met Mayor Olaf Scholz during a spontaneous visit at the art college.

On Friday, October 11, 2013, there was a major police action against the refugees. Ten of them were taken into custody.

On October 12, 2013, police arrested 17 refugees. A detained refugee filed a lawsuit against his seven-hour detention, from which he was released without explanation for no reason. There were several spontaneous demonstrations against the arrests. 500 people demonstrated, among other things, in front of the Davidwache police station .

On October 13, 2013, protesters occupied the entrance area of ​​the Hamburg City Hall . 800 people then demonstrated from the Schanzenviertel to St. Pauli. The Taz reported that a raid by Interior Senator Michael Neumann (SPD) and the immigration authorities in the St. Pauli Church had been canceled because the local head of operations had legal concerns regarding the proportionality. Some police officers also reported sick before the action.

On October 14th, the Lesbian and Gay Film Days Hamburg - International Queer Film Festival opened with a gala. Speakers and moderators announced that fighting for lesbian-gay-transgender-queer rights always means solidarity with other victims who suffer from repression. A banner with the slogan “Lampedusa in Hamburg - They are here to stay - Nobody is illegal!” Was unfurled on the stage.

On October 15, over 1000 people gathered in front of the Rote Flora and wanted to move towards the Sternschanze in an unannounced demonstration . After the demonstration was prevented by the police, riots broke out. There were further demonstrations in the following days.

On October 18, 2013, another 1,000 people joined a demonstration that moved from the university through the city center towards Hafenstrasse . Esther Bejarano and Rolf Becker appeared as guests at a press conference for the refugees. Bejarano, chairman of the Auschwitz Committee and the last surviving member of the Auschwitz Girls' Orchestra, described the identity checks by the police as "inhuman and unacceptable" and a "shame for the city". A few days later, the refugee commissioner for Schleswig-Holstein, Stefan Schmidt, also criticized the Senate's approach: "I was appalled that an SPD government was doing something like that."

On October 19, activists damaged doors, bags and perfume bottles in the Alsterhaus .

On October 20, there were blockades at the Dammtorbahnhof . Activists blocked traffic by erecting barriers. There were three arrests and 71 evictions.

On October 21, 2013 , 100 people demonstrated their solidarity in Wuppertal at the SPD headquarters and handed over a letter of protest addressed to the SPD members of the state parliament.

On October 22nd, almost 500 people demonstrated in front of the "New Living Home" retirement home, where Olaf Scholz was speaking at the same time. Demonstrators blocked Julius-Vosseler-Strasse , some with a Critical Mass . Scholz's speech was interrupted several times, and two Femen activists stormed the stage. On the same day, 150 people met at Frankfurt Airport to demonstrate. Later the group walked over the Zeil and Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse and Battonstrasse in the direction of Allerheiligentor .

On October 23, at the 7th Wednesday demonstration, 1,000 people again demanded a right of residence for the refugees. The demonstrators moved from St. Georg via Mönckebergstrasse to Jungfernstieg . Interior Minister Neumann announced that the controls on the street would be discontinued and asked the refugees to face individual proceedings. On the same day, the parents' council of the district school at the harbor published a " voluntary report for supporting humanitarian aid" and called in a petition to open the gym of St. Pauli Church to the refugees.

On October 24, 2013, the bishop of the North Church, Kirsten Fehrs , appealed to the refugees to present themselves individually to the immigration authorities and reveal their identities. On the same day there was an attack on the Hamburg public prosecutor's office at the district court on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse. After the end of a football game between FC St. Pauli and SV Sandhausen , more than 8,000 people demonstrated through the city from the Millerntor Stadium in solidarity with the refugees . After the march had passed through the neighborhood without any particular incident, four arrests were made in the late evening when the front window of a patrol car was smashed.

A demonstration with 760 participants also took place in the Schanzenviertel on October 26, 2013 . Before that, the chimneys at the historic blacksmith's shop in Bleicherstrasse had already been occupied by autonomous people who had attached a banner with the words "No man is illegal". The "International Refugee Summit" also took place on the same day.

On October 29, 2013, the group announced that it refused to disclose the identities of its members to the authorities on a case-by-case basis. Instead, she proposed to form a commission in which the group, the Senate, political representatives and actors from civil society initiatives should be represented. The identities could then be transmitted to this commission. Interior Senator Neumann rejected this on the same day. Thereupon the 80 refugees announced in the St. Pauli Church to transmit their identities. Neumann welcomed the return of some of the refugees.

On October 31, 20 sympathizers of the refugees temporarily occupied the SPD headquarters in Bremen .

At the end of October 2013, the political satirical magazine Extra 3 broadcast a video with the rewritten song "Hamburg Meine Perle" by Karl König , in which the handling of Hamburg's refugees is sharply criticized. König reacted indignantly and brought in a lawyer.

In October 2013, a transnational appeal to the Hamburg Senate was published, signed by Stuart Hall and Günter Wallraff , among others .

Demonstration on November 2, 2013

November 2013

On November 2, 10,000 to 15,000 people protested in Hamburg for the refugees' right to stay. The refugees from the St. Pauli Church denied that all 80 had agreed to an individual examination. Only up to 15 refugees would have decided to do so.

On November 4, 2013, 150 people protested at the Ständehaus meeting in K21 in Düsseldorf against Olaf Scholz, who was visiting that evening.

On November 6, 2013, 50 people briefly occupied the SPD headquarters in Leipzig and declared their solidarity with the refugees.

On November 7, 2013, 65 people briefly occupied the SPD headquarters in Hamburg. The occupiers called for an end to the renewed controls on the refugees. On the same day, the SPD headquarters in Frankfurt (Main) was occupied.

At the beginning of November 14 refugees moved into containers set up for them . 24 refugees moved into the heated containers on the grounds of the St. Paulikirche, the rest were accommodated in other mobile homes in Ottensen next to the Christian Church and in Iserbrook at the Martin Luther Church. According to the interior authorities, only those refugees who have reported to them should be allowed to move into the containers.

On November 13, 2013, 500 people again took part in the tenth Wednesday demonstration in solidarity with the refugees.

On November 15, 2013, 111 Hamburg lawyers presented an initiative for a §23 solution for the group of Hamburg Lampedusa refugees and showed their solidarity.

On November 17, 2013, some of the group's refugees turned to the Northern Church and criticized that they had given in to pressure from the Senate.

On November 20, 2013, 30 activists disrupted a sub-district conference of the Frankfurt SPD.

On November 22, 2013, the immigration authorities announced that they had now collected data from 73 refugees. Three of the refugees have already been asked to leave the country. On the same day, various Hamburg actors, musicians and journalists published the poster campaign "We are Lampedusa". Among others, Bent Angelo Jensen , Fatih Akın , Bastian Sick , Tocotronic , Silva Gonzalez , Bela B. , Fettes Brot , Pheline Roggan , Cäthe , Jan Delay and Deichkind took part .

On November 24th, 100 protesters gathered for a spontaneous demonstration at the Christmas market. The police broke up the demonstration after a while.

On the night of November 26th, strangers in the districts of Eimsbüttel , Altona and Wandsbek threw stones and bags of paint at the houses in which the SPD parliamentary group leader Andreas Dressel , the welfare state councilor Jan Pörksen and the building councilor Michael Sachs live. In addition, car tires were stabbed. According to the Hamburger Abendblatt , a letter of confession stated that the politicians had to do with the accommodation of the refugees in different ways. The Hamburger Morgenpost announced that it had received an email with the motto "War, flight, disenfranchisement: enough is enough" and the sentence "People die and you are silent, windows clink and you scream".

On November 30, 2013, 1000 people gathered for the first "Advent demo" and then marched through the city center. Some protesters stormed the Christmas parade to protest there.

Graffiti in the course of the Lampedusa protests on a house wall in Hamburg

December 2013

On December 5, 2013, on International Volunteer Day, some participants protested in the town hall during Olaf Scholz's speech and showed solidarity with the refugees.

On December 7, 2013, 700 people demonstrated in the city center for the rights of refugees. The police then reported that demonstrators had tried to break into the Alsterhaus after the actual demonstration.

On December 12th, over 3,500 Hamburg school students went on a school strike. Fredrik Dehnerdt, deputy chairman of the GEW Hamburg, commented on the children and young people involved: "The regional association of the trade union for education and science supports you expressly". Asuquo Udo, one of the refugees' spokesmen, also welcomed the school strike: "Society has already recognized us, only politics doesn't want it." During the protests calls for resignation against Senator Neumann were loud.

On December 14, 2013, 700 people demonstrated again, leading to minor clashes with the police. This used police dogs and pepper spray during their operation .

On December 18th the Thalia Theater invited to the concert “L'Universal Schattensenat”. Eight Lampedusa refugees and the musician Bernadette La Hengst were involved . It was about the personal escape experiences of the refugees.

The Lampedusa group in Hamburg canceled the Advent demonstration on December 21, 2013, citing provocations in connection with a massive police presence. It has repeatedly happened that the group was held responsible for violent actions carried out on their behalf. She cannot stop such actions and refuses to be held responsible for such actions. The police were accused of being interested in bringing violence into the group's demonstrations. She also referred to previous attempts to associate the group with violence in actions carried out on behalf of the group. But it is "impossible to enforce discipline among the various protesters". 900 people took part in the rally. On the same day, 7,500 people came to a larger demonstration under the motto “The city belongs to everyone! Refugees, Esso houses and Rote Flora stay together “ on the shoulder blade . The demonstration spoke out in favor of refugees ' right to stay , against racism and gentrification , especially in the case of the Esso houses and the planned evacuation of the Rote Flora sociocultural center . In total, following the large demonstration in the shoulder blade, several small demonstrations took place in Hamburg on December 21, 2013 .

At Christmas the St. Pauli Church received over 200 gift packages that were given by the population for the refugees.

Wall painting on a house in Hafenstrasse

January 2014

At a Lampedusa New Year reception on January 3, 2014, a delegation was adopted on a trip to Lampedusa, which is to organize a civil partnership between the St. Pauli district and the Mediterranean island.

At a demonstration with the motto “Don't let the system get you down” on January 13, 2014, 800 people protested in Hamburg for the demands of the Lampedusa group.

On January 18, 2014, several thousand people protested against the policies of the Hamburg Senate. The demonstration, which was directed against danger areas , was also about a right of residence for the Lampedusa refugees. Authority spokesman Frank Reschreiter expressed doubts about the number of 300 refugees on the same day. He estimated the group to be only 150 people. The people who felt they belonged to the Lampedusa group are all taken care of, so there is no need for action. The "solidarity winter emergency program" then declared that the Senate is wrong, there are almost 40 private initiatives, groups and housing projects that have taken in refugees from the group. The group consisted of a total of 385 people.

On January 25, 2014, several hundred people met at Kemal Altun Square to demonstrate for the group to be allowed to stay. The demonstration then ran through the Altona district.

At the "port talks" of the SPD member of parliament Loretana de Libero on January 27, 2014, Interior Minister Neumann announced that a group solution under Paragraph 23 was not possible because the Lampedusa group in Hamburg was too heterogeneous and research had shown that some of refugees have already unsuccessfully applied for asylum in several European countries. In addition, the refugees have long been instrumentalized by certain groups.

February 2014

On February 1, 2014 and February 8, 2014, the group held conferences in Barmbek with the title "Why do people leave their home countries?" and “The European War Against Refugees - Silent Dying in the Camps”.

On February 4, 2014, the St. Pauli congregation and the pastors Sieghard Wilm and Martin Paulekun were awarded the Helmut Frenz Prize, which is endowed with 3000 euros. The pastors said they would donate the money to institutions that provide medical care for undocumented people.

On February 15, 2014, 500 people demonstrated for the group's rights through the Schanzenviertel and the Karoviertel.

At the 30th Hamburg School of Students' Chamber on February 24, 2014, Scholz met a spokesman for the Lampedusa group in Hamburg for the first time.

On February 27, 2013, a spokesman for the Lampedusa group in Hamburg called for direct negotiations with the Hamburg Senate and criticized the Northern Church. This would have "no mandate to speak for the group".

March 2014

On March 1, 2014, over 4,000 people demonstrated for the group's right of residence under the motto "No rest to the Senate".

On March 8th, the handball department of FC St Pauli organized an indoor soccer tournament for the group.

On March 19, 2014 Olaf Scholz read "10 Refugee Theses" in the Thalia Theater. The event was delayed half an hour as protesters blocked the mayor's car. Even in the theater itself there were repeated disruptions to the event.

April 2014

On April 9, 2014, the citizenship meeting had to be interrupted for a quarter of an hour. The President of the Parliament, Carola Veit (SPD), called the police, whereupon the protesters, accompanied by the police, left the town hall. The left's request for a group solution for humanitarian reasons under Section 23 of the Residence Act was rejected by the citizens.

May 2014

During the rally after the trade union demonstration on May 1st, the police had to protect Olaf Scholz from demonstrators who shouted: “Olaf Scholz has been rushed enough, right to stay will be enforced”. The police blocked access to the union building for a short time. On the same day, activists occupied the vacant Laeiszstraße primary school in the course of a demonstration under the motto “Right to the city knows no borders” in the Karolinenviertel and designated it as a Refugee Welcome Center . The declared goal should be to work on the welcoming culture in Hamburg. A few hundred people visited the open building. In the evening the police issued an ultimatum to those present in the building and, with the threat of eviction, achieved the end of the operation.

On May 17, 2014, there was another bicycle demonstration through downtown Hamburg, in which 300 people took part.

On May 31, 2014, several hundred activists demonstrated with a sit-in on Rathausplatz in Hamburg under the motto "We demand our working rights".

By the end of the month, according to a spokesman for the interior authorities, 70 refugees from the group had applied for a right to stay on humanitarian grounds, although they were in danger of being deported back to Italy.

June 2014

On June 2, 2014, the containers were dismantled at the various locations where some of the refugees lived. On the same day, 400 people demonstrated in the city center.

On June 5, 2014, around 50-100 Lampedusa refugees and supporters protested again with a sit-in on City Hall Square. According to the police, the demonstrators did not leave the ban mile despite being asked . The police then carried the protesters away using pepper spray and three arrests and four arrests. Officials of the 4th Hundred refused to carry out the command of a squad leader. A demonstration took place in the evening.

On June 6, 2014, there was a demonstration for the Lampedusa group, which was not registered with the authorities. The police reported an aggressive mood. She was attacked with bottles and fireworks. The demonstrators came, according to the police, the demand not to officially register the demonstration. The police used water cannons, during the night the windows of the SPD office on Clemens-Schultz-Strasse were thrown in, the front door destroyed and the office ravaged. The building had already been exposed to paint that morning. A total of 49 people were arrested.

On June 16, 2014, celebrities presented a “Manifesto for Lampedusa in Hamburg”. In it, together with the group, they called for a “Lampedusa in Hamburg House”. The signatories included Jacques Palminger , Jan Delay , Katja Kipping , Samy Deluxe , Schorsch Cameroon , Bela B. and Fatih Akın .

On June 21, 2014, the radio station Freies Sender Kombinat broadcast a one-hour radio ballet to creatively protest against the refugee policy in Hamburg and the EU. On the same day there was a rally for the Lampedusa refugees on Jungfernstieg.

The school strike initiative group for the right to stay organized a solidarity festival for the Lampedusa group in Hamburg on June 22nd, 2014. 200 people attended a meal. There was also a flea market and spray campaigns.

July 2014

On July 5, 2014, almost 1,000 people demonstrated for the group to have a collective right to stay.

September 2014

On September 19, 2014, 20 supporters of the “Lampedusa in Hamburg” group occupied the foyer of the SPD party headquarters on Kurt-Schumacher-Allee. After an hour, the police evacuated the building and took the occupants into custody. A spontaneous demonstration by other people to the police station was suppressed by the police. The SPD filed a complaint.

October 2014

On October 4, 2014, FC Lampedusa, consisting of members of the group, will play in the 4th division of the Leisure League against the Hamburg Hurricanes.

On October 10th and 11th, 2014 there were several events under the motto "Emancipation Days": Among other things, there was a peace march towards the university campus and the play "The Lampeduzas" was performed. Panel discussions and exhibitions also took place.

December 2014

At the beginning of December 2014, Kampnagel and the Baltic raw org group opened a red flora replica, the so-called " eco Favela Lampedusa-Nord". As part of this project, a 24-hour performance will take place, which will be used as a quarter for Lampedusa refugees. Shortly thereafter, the Hamburg Alternative for Germany regional executive Jörn Kruse and Bernd Baumann filed a criminal complaint with the public prosecutor's office against the director Amelie Deuflhard on the grounds of "suspicion of aiding and abetting offenses against foreigners and of suspicion of breach of trust". A few months later the public prosecutor announced that it was investigating Deuflhard for "aiding and abetting the violation of the right of residence for foreigners". Deuflhard then stated that he still wanted to continue the project. The proceedings were closed in 2016.

On December 13, 2014, as part of the "Right to the City - Never Mind the Papers" campaign, protests took place in front of the SPD party congress.

January 2015

On January 31, 2015, 8,000 people protested in downtown Hamburg for the group's right to stay.

March 2015

In March 2015, the group held a three-day rally.

May 2015

On May 1, 2015, according to the police, 3800 people and, according to the organizer, 7000 people protested against the Senate's refugee policy and for the group's right to stay.

November 2015

In November 2015, at least 4,800 people from the Right to the City - Never Mind the Papers alliance demonstrated .

February 2016

On February 15, 2016, there was a successful protest at Fuhlsbüttel Airport against the deportation of a member of the group. The police broke off the deportation of the man who had recently burned all his papers due to an arson in the poodle club .

May 2016

In May 2016 there were protests against the announced closure of the Lampedusa information center on Steindamm at the ZOB / Hauptbahnhof in Hamburg by the Hamburg Senate.

August 2016

In August 2016, the St. Pauli football club announced FC Lampedusa as an official member. The club will in future provide sports facilities and equipment. The FC Lampedusa team was renamed "FC Lampedusa St. Pauli".

April 2017

In April, members of the Lampedusa group took part in the demonstration "Together instead of G20" in Hamburg and called for the G20 summit in Hamburg to be canceled .

June 2017

In June 2017 720 people protested under the motto "We are here - Demonstration by refugees against the G20!" the groups Lampedusa in Hamburg and the Hazara Volks- und Kulturverein.

April 2018

A 33-year-old man who was active in the Lampedusa group until 2014 is suspected of having his one-year-old daughter and his 34-year-old ex-girlfriend with a knife in front of their eyes on Thursday, April 12, 2018 To have fatally injured passengers at Jungfernstieg station. The Nigerian suspect then made an emergency call and was arrested a little later near the crime scene. The child died on the scene and the 34-year-old mother succumbed to her injuries in hospital. The Lampedusa Group condemned the alleged murder "in the strongest possible way" in a press release.

See also


Rasmus Gerlach: Lampedusa on St. Pauli; Germany 2013, 83 min, OV with German subtitles, color, FF 2013

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Who are the supporters of the African refugees? of October 31, 2013
  2. Birgit Gärtner: "Lampedusa in Hamburg", from June 18, 2013, viewed on October 22, 2013
  3. Caro Lobig: "I too could have died" Sueddeutsche Zeitung from October 7, 2013, viewed on October 20, 2013
  4. ^ Kai von Appen: "Lampedusa - Hamburg and back" TAZ of August 8, 2013, viewed on June 28, 2014
  5. ^ "Hope in Berlin, Help in Hamburg" TAZ, from October 20, 2013, viewed on October 21, 2013
  6. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg
  7. ^ "The protest of" Lampedusa in Hamburg "
  8. a b c d e f Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( memento of October 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), NDR , October 21, 2013
  9. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg: Refugee protest on Church Summit (Kirchentag) from May 2, 2013
  10. refugee protest at Kirchentag in Hamburg from May 3, 2013
  11. 2. Declaration to politicians and the public "Lampedusa in Hamburg II" of May 15, 2013
  12. Invitation to the press conference on May 15, 2013 (PDF; 45 kB)
  13. Gernot Knödler: Pastor Wilm for five years in Lampedusa in Hamburg: "That has the quality of a miracle" . In: The daily newspaper: taz . July 1, 2018, ISSN  0931-9085 ( [accessed July 4, 2018]).
  14. Let's eat something together. Friday, June 14th from 5 p.m., June 13th 2013
  15. Let's have something to eat together again, August 9, 2013
  16. "The people should live here" of July 10, 2013
  17. ^ Exhibition opening "We want our lives back" by the refugees of the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg" on 7 July 2013
  18. Olaf Scholz faces Hamburg's students ( memento from January 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) from August 19, 2013
  19. ^ Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg: "We live from daily miracles" , Spiegel online, August 22, 2013
  20. ^ "We want and have to stay in Hamburg" ( Memento from October 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ),, August 17, 2013
  21. Last refuge of July 18, 2013
  22. ^ Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg: Protest at the ceremony on October 10, 2013
  23. Police take action against African refugees ( Memento from October 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from October 11, 2013
  24. ^ Lawsuit against police controls,, of October 25, 2013
  25. ^ Lampedusa refugee sued the city of on October 19, 2013
  26. Police take more refugees in spite of protests from October 12, 2013
  27. Hamburgers demonstrate against police action,, October 12, 2013
  28. Protests after refugee arrests ( memento from October 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from October 12, 2013
  29. Refugees: Hamburgers demonstrate against police action,, October 12, 2013
  30. ^ Dispute over Lampedusa refugees in Hamburg of October 13, 2013
  31. Demonstrators occupy the Rathausmarkt on October 13, 2013
  32. ^ Objection to the hunt from October 14, 2013
  33. ^ Raid against blacks - police coveted on from October 14, 2013
  34. HH: The protests continue! in: of October 16, 2013
  35. POL-HH: 131016-1. Unregistered demonstration in Hamburg with subsequent violent actions around the Schanzenviertel in: from October 16, 2013
  36. ^ Lampedusa refugees: Riots during protests in Hamburg of October 15, 2013
  37. ^ Dispute over refugees: Randale in Hamburg ( Memento from October 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from October 15, 2013
  38. 1000 participants in the protest march through the city center, on October 18, 2013
  39. Bejarano: Police actions against the refugees - a disgrace for the city of of October 18, 2013
  40. Is the decision coming up on the weekend? from October 25, 2013
  41. ^ Lampedusa refugees today at the Greens, of October 21, 2013
  42. ^ Lampedusa refugees today with the Greens ( Memento from October 23, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from October 21, 2013
  43. 170 activists riot at the Dammtorbahnhof on October 21, 2013
  44. “We will not rest anymore!”: Soli demo for Lampedusa in Hamburg in Wuppertal from October 22, 2013
  45. 300 activists demonstrate in Lokstedt on October 22, 2013
  46. Hamburg's parliament disputes refugees ( memento from October 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from October 23, 2013
  47. Around 150 demonstrate for Lampedusa refugees in: on October 23, 2013
  48. ^ Demonstration in downtown Hamburg on October 23, 2013
  49. Hamburg's control of the Lampedusa refugees has been suspended for the time being from October 23, 2013
  50. Declaration by the parents' council of the district school at the harbor on the petition of the pupils in class 10b ( voluntary disclosure for supporting humanitarian aid) (PDF; 87 kB) of 23 October 2013
  51. No controls: Senate relies on de-escalation ( memento of October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) of October 24, 2013
  52. ^ Attack on the public prosecutor's building,, on October 25, 2013
  53. Thousands show solidarity with refugees from October 26, 2013
  54. Four rioters arrested after demo for refugees on October 25, 2013
  55. 760 people demonstrate: Peaceful protest march through the hill in: Hamburger Morgenpost from October 26, 2013
  56. ^ No end of the conflict in sight in: of October 27, 2013
  57. ^ Video diary "LampedusaHH" Close combat in the name of the refugees , accessed on November 8, 2013.
  58. ^ Invitation to the International Refugee Summit St. Pauli in:
  59. Hamburg: African refugees threaten further violence . In: YOUNG FREEDOM . ( [accessed on April 15, 2018]).
  60. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg calls for the formation of a commission ( memento of November 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: hh-mittendrin.d of October 29, 2013
  61. Some address the Senate in: hinzundkunzt of October 29, 2013
  62. ↑ The interior senator is happy to give in to the refugees ( memento from October 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from October 30, 2013
  63. Headquarters of the SPD temporarily occupied by demonstrators in: of October 31, 2013
  64. ^ NDR denigrates Hamburg - and Lotto King Karl's cult song in: from November 1, 2013
  65. Lotto King Karl against Lampedusa-Lied in: from November 2, 2013
  66. ^ A transnational appeal to the Hamburg Senate in: of October 24, 2013
  67. Lotto King Karl against Lampedusa-Lied in: from November 2, 2013
  68. 9,000 people demonstrate for refugees ( Memento from November 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: only from November 2, 2013
  69. More than 10,000 people at the Lampedusa demo in the city in: from November 2, 2013
  70. Live ticker : Solidarity demo with Lampedusa in Hamburg on November 2nd, 2013 ,, November 2nd, 2013
  71. 9,000 people demonstrate for refugees ( Memento from November 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from November 2, 2013
  72. Demonstrators deliver "cat and mouse game" with the police in: from November 2, 2013
  73. 15,000 demand the right to stay in: of November 2, 2013
  74. ^ Anti-racist protest action against Hamburg's SPD mayor Olaf Scholz at the Ständehaus in: from November 5, 2013
  75. Activists occupy Leipzig SPD headquarters - solidarity with “Lampedusa Hamburg” in: from November 6, 2013
  76. Activists block SPD headquarters in Hamburg in: from November 7, 2013
  77. SPD headquarters in Frankfurt occupied ( memento from November 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from November 7, 2013
  78. St. Pauli: First refugees leave the church in: of November 7, 2013
  79. ^ All refugees from the St. Pauli Church in winter accommodation in: of November 29, 2013
  80. Lampedusa in Hamburg: Container set up for the winter ( memento from November 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from November 15, 2013
  81. Lampedusa in Hamburg: Container set up for the winter ( memento from November 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from November 15, 2013
  82. Declaration of Hamburg Lawyers ( Memento of November 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: of November 15, 2013
  83. Refugees feel abandoned by the church in: of November 19, 2013
  84. Hamburg sends three Lampedusa refugees back in: from November 22, 2013
  85. ^ Jan Delay, Fettes Brot & Co .: Solidarity posters for the refugees in: from November 22, 2013
  86. ^ From Jan Delay to Fatih Akin - Solidarity for Refugees in: from November 22, 2013
  87. ↑ Link demo at the Christmas market in: from November 24, 2013
  88. Color attacks on the houses of three SPD politicians in: from November 26, 2013
  89. ^ Lampedusa dispute: Nightly attacks on three SPD politicians in: from November 26, 2013
  90. First Advent Lampedusa demonstration in Hamburg on November 30, 2013 / in: from November 30, 2013
  91. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg: Protest at the Christmas parade ( Memento from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) in: from November 30, 2013
  92. protest for Lampedusa in Hamburg Rathaus ( Memento of 10 December 2013, Internet Archive ) in: from 6 December 2013
  93. ^ Lampedusa demo in the city in: from December 8, 2013
  94. Hamburg's students want to strike for refugees in: from November 26, 2013
  95. Hamburg's students want to strike for the refugees in: from November 26, 2013
  96. 3000 schoolchildren demonstrate in the city center ( Memento from December 12, 2013 in the web archive ) in: from December 12, 2013
  97. Hamburg: 3500 schoolchildren demonstrate for Lampedusa refugees in: from December 12, 2013
  98. Police use tear gas at the Lampedusa demonstration in: from December 14, 2013
  99. We are the shadow senate in: from December 20, 2013
  100. ^ Lampedusa refugees with performance in St. Pauli Church in: from December 18, 2013
  101. Statement on current issues regarding our politics - discussion about violence. Lampedusa in Hamburg, December 18, 2013, archived from the original on May 20, 2014 ; Retrieved December 25, 2013 .
  102. POL-HH: 131222-1. Demonstrations in Hamburg in: from December 22, 2013
  103. More than 200 Christmas packages for Lampedusa refugees in: from December 24, 2013
  104. Refugees: St. Pauli sends delegation to Lampedusa in: of January 3, 2014
  105. Demonstration: City full of conflicts in: from January 14, 2014
  106. Demo against danger areas remains peaceful ( Memento from January 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from January 18, 2014
  107. Where are the Lampedusa refugees actually? ( Memento from January 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from January 18, 2014
  108. ^ Declaration of the solidarity winter emergency program for Lampedusa in Hamburg in: from February 16, 2014
  109. "To a strong and successful 2014" in: from January 25, 2014
  110. Several hundred people at a demonstration for Lampedusa refugees in: on January 25, 2014
  111. Neumann defends Hamburg refugee course in: of January 29, 2014
  112. Why do people leave their home countries? Report from the conference in Hamburg in: of February 4, 2014
  113. ^ Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from February 3, 2014
  114. Lampedusa in Hamburg: 500 people demonstrate peacefully ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from February 15, 2014
  115. Scholz meets Lampedusa refugee ( memento from February 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from February 24, 2014
  116. ^ Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from February 3, 2014
  117. Video: 4000 people demonstrate for Lampedusa in Hamburg in: from March 1, 2014
  118. ^ "Come to stay" in: of March 3, 2014
  119. ^ Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from February 3, 2014
  120. What happens at the Lampedusa Group? ( Memento from March 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from March 1, 2014
  121. Scholz speaks in the Thalia Theater about his 10 refugee theses in: from March 19, 2014
  122. ^ "Lampedusa" demo disrupts the citizenship meeting in: from April 9, 2014
  123. Citizenship: Protests and application for the right to stay for the Lampedusa refugees ( Memento from May 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from April 9, 2014
  124. Lampedusa supporters harass Scholz at the rally in: from May 1, 2014
  125. ↑ Re- use planned: Off for the Refugee Welcome Center ( Memento from May 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from May 17, 2014
  126. HH in the middle: Squatting in the Karoviertel: “Work on the welcome culture ( Memento of May 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on May 29, 2014
  127. ^ Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on June 9, 2014
  128. ^ "We demand our Working rights" , accessed June 1, 2014
  129. ^ "Lampedusa Group: 70 applications for the right to stay" ( Memento from August 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on July 29, 2014
  130. Demonstration from Lampedusa in Hamburg: "It suggests a new perspective". in: from May 31, 2014
  131. ^ Conscience in Uniform in: of June 6, 2014
  132. Lampedusa refugees and police fight in: from June 5, 2014
  133. Tumults during the demonstration of Lampedusa refugees ( memento from June 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from June 5, 2014
  134. Lampedusa in Hamburg occupies Rathausmarkt - police evacuate by force in: from June 5, 2014
  135. ^ Riots at the Lampedusa demo in the Schanzenviertel in: from June 6, 2014
  136. riots in Schanzenviertel in: from June 7, 2014
  137. Celebrities stand up for Lampedusa refugees in: from June 16, 2014
  138. Celebrities for the Lampedusa Group in: from June 16, 2014
  139. Hamburgers dance headphone ballet for the Lampedusa refugees in: from June 21, 2014
  140. ^ Solidarity festival for Lampedusa in Hamburg in: from June 22, 2014
  141. ^ Lampedusa demo: 900 people demonstrate peacefully in: from July 5, 2014
  142. Refugees demonstrate on the town hall market: signs of relaxation? in: from July 5, 2014
  143. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg: Occupation of the SPD headquarters ended ( memento from October 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from September 19, 2014
  144. ^ Lampedusa protest in the SPD headquarters ( memento from October 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from September 19, 2014
  145. ^ Lampedusa refugees: What happened so far ( Memento from November 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in:
  146. 200 Lampedusa refugees live on the streets in Hamburg in: of October 9, 2014
  147. Emancipation from the stereotype of the refugee in: of October 13, 2014
  148. Kampnagel: Flora replica as winter quarters for Lampedusa refugees in: of December 13, 2014
  149. AfD criminal complaint against Kampnagel director ( memento from December 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from December 6, 2014
  150. Investigations against Kampnagel director in: from May 2, 2015
  151. Kampnagel director wants to continue the refugee project in: from May 2, 2015
  152. Investigations against the Kampnagel manager stopped . In: Welt Online . August 9, 2016 ( [accessed August 14, 2016]).
  153. Lampedusa in Hamburg: botched protest ( memento from December 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) in: from December 13, 2014
  154. Demo in the city center: “It's about people, not about papers” in: from January 31, 2015
  155. ^ Lampedusa refugees protest with a three-day rally in: from March 17, 2015
  156. "A right to the city also applies to refugees" in: from May 1, 2015
  157. ^ "Demonstration: 4800 people at the final rally " in: from November 14, 2015
  158. ^ Kai Von Appen: Protest at Hamburg Airport: Lampedusa deportation prevented . In: the daily newspaper . ( [accessed on September 16, 2016]).
  159. Annika Lasarzik: Lampedusa refugees on the sidelines: “We are no longer interested” . In: the daily newspaper . ( [accessed on August 13, 2016]).
  160. We are ... ( Memento from August 10, 2016 in the web archive )
  161. Alexander Isele: Come to play (new Germany). Retrieved August 13, 2016 .
  162. Martin Dolzer: Social instead of security zones . In: young world . April 21, 2017 ( [accessed May 4, 2017]).
  163. FOCUS Online: Police Hamburg: Elevator We are here - demonstration of refugees against G20! - peacefully ended . In: FOCUS Online . ( [accessed on October 26, 2017]).
  164. ^ Dpa: After mother and child were killed in Hamburg: father in custody . ( [accessed on April 15, 2018]).
  165. ^ Silke Fokken, Jean-Pierre Ziegler: Fatal knife attack in Hamburg: attackers acted out of "anger and revenge" . In: Spiegel Online . April 13, 2018 ( [accessed April 15, 2018]).
  166. ex-wife and child stabbed: Suspect Nigrer belonged to Lampedusa group . In: YOUNG FREEDOM . ( [accessed on April 15, 2018]).
  167. ^ Lampedusa in Hamburg. Retrieved June 23, 2018 .