Oktay Rifat

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Oktay Rifat (from 1934: Oktay Rifat Horozcu ; born June 10, 1914 in Trabzon , † April 18, 1988 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish lawyer and writer.

During his high school days in Ankara he became friends with Orhan Veli and Melih Cevdet , with whom he founded the poet group Garip (strange). He studied law in Paris . After his return to Turkey , he worked as a lawyer and employee in the state press and radio office in Ankara. Together with Orhan Veli, he took part in a solidarity hunger strike in May 1950 in support of the imprisoned Nâzım Hikmet .

Together with his friends he developed his own style that overcomes the traditional stylistic elements of Turkish literature and incorporates folk and surrealist elements. After Orhan Veli's death in 1950, Oktay Rifat turned to other modern literary trends. In addition to poetry, he also wrote plays.

A well-known poem by Oktay Rifat is "The Bread and the Stars".


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