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Under olefination is meant chemical reactions for the production of carbon -Kohlenstoff- double bonds . However, the term is mostly used in the narrower sense as a synonym for a carbonyl olefination reaction.

Carbonyl olefination reactions

Other olefinations

Occasionally, reactions that lead to carbon-carbon double bonds through elimination are also referred to as olefination. Organometallic reactions such as the Heck reaction are also referred to as the olefination of aromatics in analogy to the carbonyl olefinings.

Individual evidence

  1. LJ Goossen, J. Paetzold: 'Decarbonylating Heck olefination of enol esters: a salt-free and environmentally friendly access to vinyl arenes' , Angew. Chem. , 2004 , 116 , pp. 1115-1118.