Olga Ulianova

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Olga Ulianova , born Olga Wiktorowna Uljanowa ( Russian Ольга Викторовна Ульянова ; born February 23, 1963 in the Soviet Union ; † December 29, 2016 in Santiago de Chile ) was a Soviet - Chilean modern historian and university professor .


Ulianova studied at the History - Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU) with completion in 1985. This was followed by postgraduate study at the MGU and the promotion to the candidate of historical sciences 1988th

Ulianova worked as a translator for emigrated leaders of the Partido Comunista de Chile . She married a Chilean emigrant and emigrated with him from Russia to Chile in 1992 . She had a daughter and took Chilean citizenship, so the daughter has Chilean and Russian citizenship.

Ulianova has worked at the University of Santiago de Chile and at the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados of the University of Santiago de Chile since 1992 . Her main research interests were contemporary history and international relations. In particular, she examined the work of the Chilean communists and their relations with the Communist International (Comintern) . In 2002 she was named the best decade in the field of social sciences and humanities at the University of Santiago de Chile. 2010-1015 she was director of the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados . She was an expert on international issues in the public media.

Ulianova died of cancer .


  • Rusia: raíces históricas y dinámica de las reformas, Santiago, Editorial de la Universidad de Santiago, Colección IDEA-USACH, 1994.
  • El exilio ruso blanco y su impacto en América Latina y en Chile , Revista de Historia, 1997, Universidad de Concepción.
  • Primeros contactos entre en PC chileno y Comintern, Cuadernos de Historia, Universidad de Chile, 1998.
  • Algunos aspectos de la ayuda financiera del comunismo soviético al PC chileno durante la Guerra Fría, Estudios Públicos, Nº72, primavera / 1998.
  • Los primeros rusos en Chile: inicios de un proceso migratorio, Revista de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, Nº5, 1999.
  • Viajeros rusos en Chile, Santiago, DIBAM, 2000.
  • Un Chejov desconocido, Santiago, Editorial RIL, 2000.
  • El caso de Manuel Hidalgo en el PC chileno a partir de los documentos de Comintern, Jorge Rojas Flores y Manuel Loyola (comp.): Por un rojo amanecer. Hacia una historia de los comunistas chilenos.
  • La Unidad Popular y el golpe militar en Chile: percepciones y análisis soviéticos, Estudios Públicos, Nº 79, 2000.
  • Chile en los archivos soviéticos, Tomo 1, Chile y Comintern 1922–1931, Estudios y Documentos, Santiago, DIBAM-LOM-USACH, 2005 (with Alfredo Riquelme).
  • Políticas, redes y militancias. Chile y América Latina en el siglo XX, USACH-Ariadna, 2009 (with others).
  • Chile en los archivos soviéticos, Tomo 2, Chile y Comintern 1931–1935, Estudios y Documentos, DIBAM-LOM, 2009 (with Alfredo Riquelme).
  • Corvalán for Bukovsky: a real exchange of prisoners during an imaginary war. The Chilean dictatorship, the Soviet Union, and US mediation, 1973–1976, Cold War, doi 10.1080 / 14682745.2013.793310, [1] , 2013.
  • Чили во второй половине XX века
  • Русские в Чили, 2009 (with Кармен Норамбуэна), ISBN 978-956-8416-21-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Olga Ulianova es homenajeada por su destacada trayectoria (accessed on January 27, 2020).
  2. A los 53 años falleció la destacada historiadora rusa-chilena Olga Ulianova (accessed on January 27, 2020).