Olimpiy Panov

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Olimpiy Panov

Olimpij Spiridonov Panov (common transcription: Olimpiy Panov Spiridonov , Bulgarian Олимпий Спиридонов Панов * 29. June 1852 in Schop Taraklija in Russia , (now Taraklija in Moldova ); † 6. March 1887 in Russe , Bulgaria ) was a Bulgarian revolutionary , politician and Defense Minister in Petko Karavelov's third cabinet .


Olimpij Panow was born on June 29, 1852 in Bessarabian Schop Taraklija into a Bulgarian refugee family. Olimpij attended elementary school in his hometown and graduated from the famous Bulgarian Bolgrad High School in 1867 . Then he went to the Romanian capital Bucharest , where he enrolled in the Technical University. When he arrived in Bucharest, he met the leaders of the Bulgarian liberation movement Lyuben Karawelow , Angel Kanchev and Panayot Chitow . Between 1872 and 1874 he was a member and secretary of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee in Bucharest.

From 1875 to 1976 he studied civil engineering in Paris. He then returned to Bucharest and became the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bulgarian Charity Society (bulg. Българско централно благотворително общество ). he took part in the Serbian-Ottoman War of 1876 as a volunteer . Even before the Russo-Turkish War of 1877/78, Olimpij reported to the Bulgarian volunteer corps, with whom he took part in the battles at Stara Sagora and Shipka . For this he was awarded the George Cross.

After the liberation of Bulgaria , he graduated from the Artillery Academy in Saint Petersburg in 1880/83 . He then served in the First Artillery Regiment of the Bulgarian Army . When the Russian officers were withdrawn from the Bulgaria after the unification of Bulgaria in 1885, Panov was appointed head of the entire artillery of the Bulgarian army. During the following Serbian-Bulgarian War he was instrumental in the important Bulgarian victory in the center of the Battle of Slivitsa , for which he was later promoted to major .

After the coup of 1886 , in which a group of pro-Russian officers forced the Bulgarian Prince Alexander von Battenberg to abdicate on August 9, 1886, Panov became Minister of Defense in the interim government of Karavelov. After the counter-coup that followed, led by the President of Parliament Stefan Stambolow , Alexander von Battenberg was able to return to Bulgaria and briefly ascend the throne again. Therefore Panov and other pro-Russian officers fled to Romania.

Once in Romania, the officers organized themselves again with Russian support and at the beginning of 1887 carried out an officer revolt against the Stambolov regime in the neighboring Bulgarian Danube town of Russe . After the suppression of the revolt by pro-government troops Panov was arrested with seven other defendants, including Atanas Usunow , sentenced to death .

On March 6, 1887, Olimpij Panov was executed .


  • Tascho Taschew: Министрите на България 1879-1999. София, АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов “, 1999. ISBN 978-954-430-603-8 / ISBN 978-954-509-191-9 .
  • Simeon Radew : Строителите на съвременна България Том 2, Том 3 (to German about The Builders / Creators of Modern Bulgaria Volume 2 (1911) and Volume 3 (2008))

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Commons : Olimpij Panow  - collection of images, videos and audio files