Ondřej Habervešl z Habernfeldu

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Ondřej Habervešl z Habernfeldu , German: Andreas Haberveschl von Habernfeld († around 1645 ), was a Bohemian doctor and publicist.

The Prague hereditary bourgeois, member of the Brothers' Union and officer of the estate army, brought the news of the defeat at the Battle of White Mountain to King Friedrich of the Palatinate . Before the mass imprisonment in February 1622, he fled to The Hague .

The humanist and doctor wrote a not extensive, but emotionally passionate book in Latin about the uprising of the Bohemian class from 1618 to 1620 - The Bohemian War (Válka česká). In his work he settled accounts with the Habsburgs with sharp pen and defended the freedom and rights of the Bohemian estates. But he also did not save with allegations against the Bohemians. They are incompetent, headless, reckless and unyielding. The book was published in Leiden in 1645.


  • Josef Polišenský : Měšťanští historikové českého stavovského povstání. Sborník Vysoké školy pedagogické Olomouc, Historie 3, 95 ad., 1956
  • František Kutnar: Přehledné dějiny českého a slovenského dějepisectví I. , Prague 1973

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