Josef Polišenský

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Josef Vincent Polišenský (born December 16, 1915 in Prostějov , † January 11, 2001 in Prague ) was a Czech historian .


Josef Polišenský studied English and history from 1935 to 1939 at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University . Although he already submitted his doctorate in 1939, he only received his degree after the end of the Second World War . At the same time, he completed training at the State Archives School, which he successfully completed in 1940. During the war he taught at the secondary school. In 1947 he completed his habilitation in history and from 1951 lectured at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University. There he was appointed professor in 1957.

At the end of the 1960s, Polišenský was one of the founders of the Institute for Latin American Studies at Charles University, whose director he was from 1967 to 1981. In this function he made several research trips to Uruguay , Brazil , Colombia , Mexico and Cuba . He was also a visiting professor at foreign universities such as the Universidad de Chile and the University of California, Berkeley .

In addition to Latin America, Polišenský dealt mainly with the early modern history of Central Europe from the Thirty Years War to the 19th century and the history of the Czech Republic and the role of the Czech Republic in European history.

Works (selection)

  • Kniha o bolesti a smutku. Výbor z moravských kronik 17. století (1948)
  • Anglie a Bílá hora (1949)
  • Nizozemská politika a Bílá hora (1957)
  • Třicetiletá válka a český národ (1960)
  • Opavský kongres roku 1820 a evropská politika let 1820–1822 (1962)
  • Jan Amos Komenský (1963)
  • Stručné dějiny Kuby. Předpoklady kubánské revoluce (1964)
  • Komenský v Amsterodamu (1970)
  • Třicetiletá válka a evropské krize 17. století (1970)
  • Napoleon a srdce Evropy (1971)
  • Dějiny Latinské Ameriky (1979)
  • Dějiny Británie (1982)
  • Česká touha cestovatelská: Cestopisy, deníky a listy ze 17. století (1989)
  • Jan Jeník z Bratřic (1989)
  • Tragic Triangle: The Netherlands, Spain And Bohemia 1617-1621 (1991)
  • Úvod do studia dějin a kultury Španělska a Portugalska: Thu přelomu 19. a 20. století (1994)
  • Valdštejn: Ani císař, ani král (1995)
  • Casanova a jeho svět (1997)
  • Tisíciletá Praha očima cizinců (1999)
  • Velké a malé ženy v dějinách lidstva (2000)
  • Historik v měnícím se světě (2001)
  • Dějiny Iberského poloostrova (do přelomu 19. a 20. století) (2002)

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