One America News Network

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One America News Network (short OAN or Oann ) is a US - television station based in San Diego . It was founded in 2013 and reaches around 35 million households. This makes OAN the fourth-largest news channel on US cable, but the measured audience rating is only a fraction of that of its competitors CNN , MSNBC and Fox News . The station has offices in Washington, DC  and New York City . The director and founder of the company is the businessman Robert Herring.

OAN gained international attention because Donald Trump repeatedly used it as the source of his tweets , even though the content is in fact often unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. The New York Times describes the station's target audience as "viewers who have alienated themselves from the more mainstream, conservative news channels". The station called itself in a tweet as "one of Trump's greatest supporters".

The White House Correspondents' Association decided to no longer allow reporters from the station to attend press meetings because they did not adhere to protective measures against the COVID-19 pandemic .

Chanel Rion, the correspondent of OAN in the White House , spread conspiracy theories QAnon , claiming the corona virus was in North Carolina produced.


The satirical show Last Week Tonight ( HBO ) called OAN "a more ruthless and shameless edition" of FOX . Since its inception, OAN has been a home for extreme conservatism ("a home for extreme conservatism") and a right-wing extremist broadcaster ("far-right network").

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC described OAN as "paid Russian propaganda" because one of its employees worked for Sputnik . Herring's action against this was dismissed.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oliver Darcy: Meet OAN, the little-watched right-wing news channel that Trump keeps promoting CNN Business, May 8, 2020.
  2. Mark Pitzke: Trump has a new TV channel that he loves Spiegel Online, June 19, 2020.
  3. Michael M. Grynbaum: One America News, the Network That Spreads Conspiracies to the West Wing New York Times, June 9, 2020.
  4. Tal Axelrod: Conservative outlet complains about lack of Trump shout-out at rally The Hill, March 29, 2019.
  5. Caleb Ecarma: Trump's other favorite propaganda outlet uninvited from press briefings Vanity Fair, April 2, 2020.
  6. Chris Cillizza: Donald Trump's deeply irresponsible conspiracy theory on the Buffalo man injured by police. In: June 9, 2020, accessed July 27, 2020 .
  7. ^ Adrian Horton: John Oliver takes on OAN: 'Fox News with even less shame and even fewer scruples'. In: April 6, 2020, accessed on July 27, 2020 .
  8. Marc Pitzke: OAN: Donald Trump has a new TV channel that he loves. In: Spiegel Online . June 19, 2020, accessed July 27, 2020 .