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OpenDoc is a software technology for compound documents that was developed by CI Labs (Component Integration Laboratories, Inc.). This company was founded in October 1994 by Apple Computer , IBM , Novell and WordPerfect . Oracle , Taligent , Adobe and Xerox later joined this consortium. The first version 1.0 was released by Apple in November 1995 for the Macintosh . One of the best-known applications that really took advantage of this technology was the Cyberdog web browser developed by Apple . IBM subsequently brought versions for the OS / 2 and Windows operating systems onto the market. The further development of SOM and OpenDoc was ended in 1997 .


OpenDoc enables the creation of completely new component-oriented and cooperative programs. This approach moves away from the application-centric to the document-centric way of working. The key features include:

  • The support of compound documents
  • The user-specific adaptability and expandability
  • The availability across different computer platforms and operating systems

An OpenDoc document is made up of different parts (areas) and is edited using a part editor, whereby each part editor is only responsible for the specific application area of ​​the respective part.

See also

Web links