Operation Crimson

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Assault on Sabang
(Operation Crimson)
date July 25, 1944
place Sabang , Sumatra
output Tactical victory
Parties to the conflict

United KingdomUnited Kingdom (Naval War Flag) United Kingdom France Netherlands Australia New Zealand
FranceFrance (national flag of the sea) 
AustraliaAustralia (naval war flag) 
New ZealandNew Zealand (naval war flag) 

Japan 1870Japan Japan


United KingdomUnited Kingdom (Naval War Flag) James Somerville

Japan 1870Japan Tanabe Moritake

Troop strength
2 aircraft carriers
3 battleships
1 heavy and
6 light cruisers
10 destroyers
2 submarines
div. coastal batteries
10 fighters

2 fighter bombers

7 fighters

The Operation Crimson was a sea-based, Allied air raid under British leadership on 25 July 1944, the Japanese occupied Sabang , during the Pacific War in World War II .


From February 14 to March 28, 1942, the Japanese took Sumatra during the invasion of Southeast Asia . Sabang with its important industrial plants and oil refineries was occupied by them on March 12th.

The battle

For Operation Crimson, the British Eastern Fleet assembled under Admiral Somerville in the port of Trincomalee , which they left on July 22, 1944 with a course for Sumatra. The fleet included the British aircraft carriers Illustrious and Victorious , the battleships Queen Elizabeth , Valiant , Renown and the French Richelieu , the cruisers Phoebe , Cumberland , Nigeria , Kenya , Ceylon , the New Zealand Gambia , the Dutch Tromp , and the destroyers Relentless , Rotherham , Racehorse , Rocket , Raider , Roebuck , Rapid , Quilliam , Quality and the Australian Quickmatch . Two submarines, the Tantivy and the Templar , were used as sea lifeboats.

At around 8:40 a.m. on July 25, a Japanese unit in Sumatra reported air attacks by nine bombers on factories near Sabang. A Japanese reconnaissance aircraft sighted two battleships and five cruisers about 30 km northwest of Sabang at 9:10 a.m. The Japanese expected an Allied landing; however, no DropShips could be sighted.

A total of 34 Corsairs from the Victorious and the Illustrious had started early in the morning with the task of bombing airfields and industrial plants in the vicinity of Sabang. The four battleships and six cruisers and seven destroyers began with artillery fire from the sea. In the afternoon, a cruiser and three destroyers ran into the port of Sabang and fired volleys and torpedoes at the ships lying there. Japanese coastal batteries received a few light hits on the ships while repelling this attack. A Japanese air attack, carried out with ten planes, was repelled by 13 corsairs. Seven Japanese planes were shot down; the Allies lost two.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Jürgen Rohwer , Gerhard Hümmelchen : Chronicle of the Sea War 1939–1945 - Edited by the Library for Contemporary History (Württembergische Landesbibliothek), Stuttgart 2007 . Retrieved May 12, 2013
  2. ^ Imperial Japanese Navy Submarine, Air Base and Marine Oil Terminal at Sabang, Sumatra (Bob Hackett with Sander Kingsepp) . Retrieved May 12, 2013.