Orange meadow ellerling

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Orange meadow ellerling
2010-11-20 Cuphophyllus pratensis.jpg

Orange Meadow Ellerling ( Cuphophyllus pratensis )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Snail relatives (Hygrophoraceae)
Genre : Ellerlinge ( Cuphophyllus )
Type : Orange meadow ellerling
Scientific name
Cuphophyllus pratensis
( Schaeffer  : Fr. ) Receipt

The Orange Meadow Ellerling or Orange Ellerling ( Cuphophyllus pratensis , syn. Camarophyllus pratensis , Camarophyllus ficoides in the sense of Bulliard and Hygrocybe pratensis ) is a fungus from the family of snail relatives .


Macroscopic features

The convex or hunched hat measures about 2–7 cm in diameter and has an orange, salmon-like or brownish-creamy color. With increasing age it fades and is then wide open. The hat is usually not rubbed or grooved only slightly translucent. The hat skin is dry. The bare surface rarely shows a silky sheen. The thick, distant and slightly sloping lamellae are the same color as the hat. The spore powder is white and does not show any iodine color reaction . The basal, pointed, whitish stem can be drowned out with the hat color, but is always lighter in color than the hat. The surface is smooth and bare. The tender, pale orange flesh smells and tastes inconspicuous.

Microscopic features

The oval, smooth spores measure 5–8 µm × 3–5 µm and have no germ pore .

Species delimitation

The orange meadow Ellerling looks very similar to the forest or grove snail ( Hygrophorus nemoreus ). The species has a fine flour odor, more compact fruit bodies and an identical stem and cap color. The apricot- leaved snail ( H. melizeus ) can also be very similar, but occurs in coniferous forests.


The preferred habitat of the orange-colored meadow Ellerling are poor meadows and pastures in the mountainous region, but also forest clearings. The fruiting bodies appear in small groups or individually scattered from September to November. The species is a saprobiont , its mycelium decomposes organic material.


In North America the orange meadow Ellerling is widespread, in Central Europe it is common in the corresponding habitats.


The Orange Meadow Ellerling can be eaten cooked, but must not be eaten raw. In Germany, like all species of the genus, it is protected under the Federal Species Protection Ordinance and may not be collected.



Web links

Commons : Orange Meadow Ellerling ( Cuphophyllus pratensis )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files