Orasgeldi Qajyrgeldinow

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Orasgeldi Alighasyuly Qajyrgeldinow ( Kazakh Оразгелді Алиғазыұлы Қайыргелдинов , Russian Оразгельды Алигазинович Каиргельдинов / Orasgeldy Aligasinowitsch Kairgeldinow * 17th April 1957 in Tursumbai, Kazakh SSR ) is a Kazakh politician.


Orasgeldi Qajyrgeldinow was born on April 17, 1957 in the village of Tursumbai in the Shelezin district in the Pavlodar region. In 1982 he graduated from the Institute of Economics in Alma-Ata . In 1992 he completed further training at the Kazakh Institute for Management, where he specialized in socio-political relations.

After graduating from college, Qajyrgeldinow first worked in various state-owned companies, where he also held various positions on the Communist Party committee. From 1995 he was first deputy head of administration for a short time and then Äkim of the Schelesin district. In the following years he worked in various companies, from 1996 to 1999 he headed the Jenbekschi company, from 1999 to 2001 he was managing director of Bereke and between 2001 and 2003 he headed the company BAT-RV, which he had founded himself. Subsequently, Qajyrgeldinow again held various positions in politics. From December 2003 to November 2007 he was Akim of Qashyr County in Pavlodar Region. On November 6, 2007, he was appointed Äkim (Mayor) of Aqsu City . After about four years at the head of the city management, he was appointed Äkim of Pavlodar on October 8, 2011 . On April 12, 2014 he was released from Pavlodar as Äkim. From July 2015 he headed the Qoghamdyq kelissim municipal facility in the Pavlodar region. Since August 18, 2016 he has been an Äkim of Bajanauyl district in Pavlodar region.

He is married and has three children.

Individual evidence

  1. Каиргельдинов Оразгельды Алигазинович , accessed August 22, 2018 (Russian).
  2. Каиргельдинов Оразгельды Алигазинович, аким Баянаульского района , accessed on August 22, 2018 (Russian).