Organically shaped stream

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River type 11: The Tegeler Fließ in Berlin

The organically shaped stream (type 11) is a type of flowing water that was defined by the federal / state working group on water . He belongs to the ecoregion independent types .

Water structure

Rivers of this type are mostly curved and hardly cut into pronounced bottom valleys . This often leads to the formation of side channels. The river bed consists more or less entirely of organic material such as peat, dead wood or mud. Bogs that accompany water bodies often appear, which often lead to a brown color due to the humic substances they contain . The water level is only slightly below the level of the surrounding floodplain , the flow velocity is usually low.

Organically shaped streams are similar to organically shaped rivers , but their catchment area is smaller than 100 km².

Flora and fauna

There are black flies , dragonflies and certain species of caddis flies , among others . The existing fish species vary depending on the location of the water, in northern Germany these are mainly sticklebacks , in southern Germany, depending on the nature of the river bed , brown trout , barbel or roach .

The occurrence of aquatic plants depends above all on whether it is a low-base or high-base running water. While there are hardly any aquatic plants in base-rich waters, apart from a few small-scale brook reeds and sedge beds , base-poor waters are populated by various peat mosses , the flooding moor rush or spawning herbs .

