Organ of Esztergom Cathedral

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Organ of Esztergom Cathedral
place Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Adalbert
Organ builder Ludwig Mooser , Gyula Vági, János Farkas
Construction year 1854-1856
Last renovation / restoration 1978-1979
epoch 19./20. century
Organ landscape Salzburg / Hungary
Esztergom basilica organ Hungary.jpg
Technical specifications
Number of registers 89 (planned 145)
Number of manuals 4 (5)

The organ of the Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Adalbert in Esztergom (Gran) is one of the largest in Hungary .


On September 19, 1854, Ludwig Mooser came from Salzburg to Esztergom (Gran) to build a new organ there. The individual parts were transported by ship across the Danube. On August 31, 1856, it was inaugurated with the new cathedral in the presence of Emperor Franz Josef. Franz Liszt conducted the Graner Mass ( Missa Solemnis ), which he had composed especially for the occasion. The organ was the largest in Hungary with 49 stops on three manuals and 3,530 pipes . The third manual was constructed with a cone chest with the first swell mechanism in the country. The instrument soon showed some shortcomings, the mechanical action was cumbersome, and the wind supply was insufficient under heavy loads.

During the First World War, the tin pipes had to be handed in from the prospectus. In 1924 they were replaced by zinc pipes from the Angster company . The organ was damaged in World War II. In 1947 Otto Rieger built a new instrument in a side part of the case. Many original organ pipes disappeared or were improperly shut down.

From 1978 to 1979 the Hungarian organ builders Gyula Vági and János Farkas began restoring the Mooser organ. To do this, they collected the historical pipes that were left and added new ones. For this purpose, a new large organ was designed, which should have 145 registers and would be the largest in Hungary. In 2012, 89 registers were installed.

Since the death of István Baróti in the summer of 2014, Péter Kováts has been titular organist at Esztergom Cathedral.


Gaming table

The planned disposition provides for 145 registers on five manuals and pedal , 89 registers have been completed so far. The registers are on slider chests, the action mechanism is electric.

Planned disposition

Pedal C–
1. Major bass 32 ′ *
2. Infrabass 32 ′ M *
3. Principal 16 ′
4th Flute 16 ′
5. double bass 16 ′ M *
6th Sub bass 16 ′ M *
7th Violon 16 ′
7th Bourdon 16 ′
8th. Salicet 16 ′ *
9. Quint 10 23
10. Grand Cornet IV 10 23
11. Octavbass 8th' *
11. Flute 8th'
12. Aperta 8th' *
13. Dumped 8th'
14th cello 8th' *
14th Third Sept II 6 25
15th Intoxicating Bass II 5 13 *
16. Zinc IV 5 13
17th Spitzprincipal 4 ′
18th Tibia 4 ′
19th violoncello 4 ′
160. Rauschpfeife III 2 23
161. flute 2 ′
162. Compensum VII 2 23
163. Mixture IV 2 ′
164. Bombard 32 ′ *
165. trombone 32 ′ M *
166. Bombard 16 ′
167. trombone 16 ′ *
167. Basson 16 ′
168. Dulcian 16 ′
169. Tromba 8th' *
170. Clairon 4 ′ *
I substation C–
19th Dumped 16 ′
20th Wooden principal 8th'
21st Dumped 8th'
22nd Fugara 8th' M.
22nd Salicet 8th'
23. Quintatön 8th'
24. Harp pipe 8th'
25th Principal 4 ′
26th Coupling flute 4 ′
27. Flûte d'amour 4 ′
28. violin 4 ′
29 Nasat 2 23
30th Octave 2 ′
31. Pointed flute 2 ′
32. third 1 35
33. Larigot 1 13
34. Sif flute 1'
35. Mixture IV 2 ′
36. Cymbel IV 12
37. Cymbal whistle 16
38. Cap rack 16 ′
39. Hopper shelf 8th'
40. Vox humana 8th'
II main work C–
107. Bourdon 32 ′
108. Praestant 16 ′ *
109. Bourdon 16 ′ M.
110. Principal 8th' M *
110. Octave 8th'
111. Pointed flute 8th'
112. Coppel 8th' M *
113. Gamba 8th'
114. Fifth major 5 13 M *
115. Octave 4 ′ M *
116. Forest flute 4 ′ M *
117. Reed flute 4 ′
118. Cornet III 3 15 M *
119. Quint 2 23 M *
120. Piccolo 2 ′ M.
121. Intoxication VIII – X 2 ′ M *
122. Cimpel III-V 1 13 M *
123. Trumpet 16 ′
124. Tromba 8th'
125. Trompeta imperial 32 ′ *
126. Clarin de batalla 16 ′ *
127. Trompeta real 8th' *
128. Bayoncillo 4 ′ *
III positive C–
45. Principal 16 ′ *
46. Quintatön 16 ′ *
47. Praestant 8th' *
48. Reed flute 8th' *
49. Funnel-shaped 8th'
50. Salicional 8th' *
50. Viola di gamba 8th'
51. Quintatön 8th' M *
52. Octave 4 ′ *
53. recorder 4 ′
54. Gemshorn 4 ′ *
55. Nasat 2 23
56. Principal 2 ′ *
57. Forest flute 2 ′
58. third 1 35
59. Sif flute 1 13 *
60. Seventh 1 17
61. Octave 1' *
62. None 89
63. Undecim-tredecim 811 ′ + 813
64. Sharp IV-V 1 13
65. Sharp of Thirds IV 23 *
66. Wooden dulcian 16 ′ *
67. Krummhorn-Schalmey 8th' *
67. Clarinet 8th'
68. Rohrschalmey 4 ′
69. Clarin claro 8th' *
70. Clarin brilliant 4 ′ *
IV Oberwerk C–
136. Pipe bourdon 16 ′ *
137. Principal 8th' *
138. Flûte harmonique 8th' *
139. Gemshorn 8th'
139. Voce humana 8th'
140 Unda maris 8th' *
141. Cornet V 8th'
142. Nasat 5 13
143. Octave 4 ′ *
144. Wooden flute 4 ′
145. third 3 15
146. Rauschpfeife III 2 23
147. Seventh 2 27
148. Super octave 2 ′ *
149. recorder 2 ′
150. Night horn 1'
151 Mixture V-VII 2 ′ *
152. Acuta IV-VI 23
153. Colorian IV 49 *
154. Trompeta magna 16 ′ *
155. Tuba mirabilis 8th'
155. Trumpet 8th'
156. Trumpet 4 ′
V swell C–
77. Bourdon 16 ′
78. Gemshorn 16 ′ *
79. Viol 16 ′
80. Principal 8th' *
81. Flute 8th' *
82. Bourdon à cheminée 8th' M *
82. Aeoline 8th'
83. Viol 8th' *
84. Voix céleste 8th' *
85. Cornet VI 8th' *
86. Couleur cornet V 5 13 *
87. Octave 4 ′ *
87. violin 4 ′
88 Flauto 4 ′ M *
89. Flûte octaviante 4 ′ *
90. Dulciane 4 ′ *
91. Nasard 2 23 *
92. Plein jeu III-IV 2 23 *
93. Duplicate 2 ′ *
94. Flûte conique 2 ′ *
94. Tierce 1 35
95. Carillon 1 + 12 *
96. Mixture IV-V 1 13 *
97. Cymbal IV 14 *
98 Bombard 16 ′ *
99 Trompette harmonique 8th' *
100. Hautbois 8th' *
101. musette 8th' *
102. Clairon 4 ′ *
  • Coupling : 171 P + I; 172 P + II; 173 P + III; 174 P + IV; 175 P + V; 176 P + IV super; 41 I + III; 42 I + IV; 43 I + V; 44 tremolo; 129 II + I; 130 II + III; 131 II + IV; 132 II + V; 133 II + II super; 134 II + IV super; 135 II + V super; 71 III + I; 72 III + IV; 73 III + V; 74 tremolo; 75 echo combination; 76 echo pleno; 157 IV + V; 158 IV + V super; 159 tremolo; 103 tremolo **
  • Subsidiary register
  • Game aids
  • Remarks
M = Moser's register
* = Registers built in Baróti István

Web links

Commons : Organ of Esztergom Cathedral  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. (* October 24, 1940 in Csíkszentdomokos (Sândominic); † June 23, 2014)
  2. Esztergom Bazilika Orgues France, current disposition yellow (French)