Orthochromis indermauri

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Orthochromis indermauri
Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Orthochromini
Genre : Orthochromis
Type : Orthochromis indermauri
Scientific name
Orthochromis indermauri
Schedel, Vreven, Manda, Abwe & Schliewen , 2018

Orthochromis indermauri is a species of African cichlid that occurs in northeastern Zambia in the lower reaches of the Lufubu , the third largest tributary of Lake Tanganyika . The species was only described in 2018 and named in honor of the Swiss ichthyologist Adrian Indermaur, who photographed the species underwater for the first time, recorded videos and observed it in the aquarium.


Orthochromis indermauri has a stocky , laterally flattened body, which is somewhat reminiscent of that of the genus Eretmodus from Lake Tanganyika. The specimens examined for the initial description had standard lengths of 3.6 to 6.9 cm and overall lengths of 4.5 to 8.6 cm. The body height is a quarter to 30% of the standard length, the head length is a third of the standard length. The tail stalk is high and short. The head profile is slightly rounded. The eyes are bigger than the distance between them. The lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw. Both are studded with numerous teeth. The teeth of the outer row, 42 to 59 in the upper jaw and 26 to 45 in the lower jaw, are two-pointed. The teeth of the inner rows are smaller and three-pointed.

Orthochromis indermauri has a yellow-brown basic color, more brownish on the back and more yellowish on the belly, and shows seven to nine dark, vertical stripes on the sides of the body, which are wider than the space between them. Another dark stripe runs from the eyes to the corners of the mouth. The dorsal fin is yellow, the tips of the fin rays and the associated fin membrane are red. The anal fin is yellow with a gray border and a few red points in the area of ​​the soft-rayed section near the body. The caudal fin is yellow with a red border and the pelvic fins are also yellow except for the gray, front two to three fin rays.


Orthochromis indermauri is only known from the lower reaches of the Lufubu. Its habitat lies beneath a series of rapids and waterfalls that separate the lower reaches of the middle and upper reaches and which are probably not manageable for many water dwellers. The fish faunas above and below the rapids differ significantly. While the fauna above the rapids is similar to that of the Congo , the influence of Lake Tanganyika is evident below the rapids. From the rapids to the confluence with Lake Tanganyika, the lower reaches of the Lufubu are about 25 km long. On the Terra typica , the Lufubu is about 20 meters wide, half a meter deep and has a stony and sandy bottom. The water temperature varies between 23 ° C and 28 ° C in July in November, the pH value is 8.0 to 8.55 and the electrical conductivity is about 29 μ S . O. indermauri is a flow- loving cichlid and has so far only been observed in strong flowing water between rocks and scree. Stomach examinations have not yet been carried out and therefore no precise information can be given about the diet of the species. However, it was observed that the fish took up growth from stones and rocks. Orthochromis inthe Mauri is a mouthbrooders wherein the females after spawning, the eggs takes into its mouth. The clutch size is small, Indermaur counted between 17 and 21 eggs.


Orthochromis indermauri was scientifically described for the first time in 2018 together with four other Orthochromis species. The authors of the first description placed the new species in the genus Orthochromis , because many morphological similarities indicated a relationship. Orthochromis , however, is considered polyphyletic and it was already certain when it was first described that the species is not very closely related to the Orthochromis species from the Tanzanian Malagarasi River , where the type species and seven other species of Orthochromis occur. A year later appeared in a phylogenetic study of African cichlids that Orthochromis inthe Mauritian an independent clade forms within the "East African Radiation" and the sister group of a clade from the Pseudocrenilabrus group, astatoreochromis , the Tropheini , Haplochromis and Haplochromine of Lake Malawi is .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Schedel, FDB, Vreven, EJWMN, Manda, BK, Abwe, Manda, AC & Schliewen, UK (2018): Description of five new rheophilic Orthochromis species (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Upper Congo drainage in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Zootaxa, 4464 (3): 301-349, doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4464.3.1 .
  2. Schwarzer, Swartz, Vreven, Snoeks, Cotterill, Misof and Schliewen (2012). Repeated trans-watershed hybridization among haplochromine cichlids (Cichlidae) was triggered by Neogene landscape evolution. Proc. R. Soc. B. 279: 4389-4398. doi: 10.1098 / rspb.2012.1667
  3. Frederic DB Schedel, Zuzana Musilova and Ulrich Kurt Schliewen (2019): East African cichlid lineages (Teleostei: Cichlidae) might be older than their ancient host lakes: new divergence estimates for the east African cichlid radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:94. Doi: 10.1186 / s12862-019-1417-0