Orthocarbonic acid

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Structural formula
Structural formula of orthocarbonic acid
Surname Orthocarbonic acid
other names
  • Methantetrol
  • Tetrahydroxymethane
Molecular formula C (OH) 4
External identifiers / databases
CAS number 463-84-3
PubChem 9547954
ChemSpider 7826887
Wikidata Q2491625
Molar mass 80.04 g mol −1
safety instructions
GHS hazard labeling
no classification available
As far as possible and customary, SI units are used. Unless otherwise noted, the data given apply to standard conditions .

Orthocarbonic acid is a hypothetical organic chemical compound with the empirical formula C (OH) 4 . Formally, the compound is a tetravalent alcohol which , according to Erlenmeyer's rule, is unstable. So far it has not been possible to produce orthocarbonic acid under terrestrial conditions.

Orthocarbonic acid could, however, occur in the core of gas planets and their moons, where the pressures are much higher than those on earth. Even if the substance is unstable in its free form, orthocarbonic acid esters are known.


  1. This substance has either not yet been classified with regard to its hazardousness or a reliable and citable source has not yet been found.
  2. a b “Hitler's Acid” might lie at the heart of gas giant planets and their moons , News Atlas (English), Eric Mack, September 8, 2016, accessed on May 11, 2020.
  3. Hitler's Acid in Uranus? , Analytical Scientist (English), Joanne Cummings, September 2016, accessed May 11, 2020.