IG Metall Youth

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The IG Metall Youth is the youth organization of the German trade union IG Metall , with around 227,000 members under 27 years of largest political youth organization in Germany. All people between the ages of 16 and 27 inclusive automatically belong to IG Metall Jugend as soon as they join IG Metall. IG Metall Jugend is part of the DGB youth .


The IG Metall Jugend campaigns for the needs of trainees , young professionals and young employees according to its own self- image and gives them a voice in their working world: in the company, in the economy and in society.

Specifically, the organization represents the following demands:

A separate education program for members should help members to deepen knowledge, acquire additional qualifications and consolidate personal strengths. This should enable the employees to take action for their rights in the company. In collective bargaining, representatives of IG Metall Jugend are part of IG Metall's negotiation commissions.


Youth secretaries at the IG Metall board
Period Surname
1949-1950 Günter Kudruß
1951-1957 Richard Kohlberger
1957-1962 Manfred Leiss
1962-1965 Otmar Günther
1965-1968 de facto Georg Benz
1968-1973 Horst Klaus
1973-1979 Bernhard Wurl
1979-1990 Horst Richter
1990-1994 Reinhold Götz
1995-1999 Reinhard Hahn
1999-2003 Jan Engelhardt
2003-2008 Michael Faisst
2008-2014 Eric Unfortunately
2015-2019 Michael Schmitzer
from 2019 Stefanie Holtz

The organization is present on three levels:

  • Local and regional: with youth and trainee representatives (JAV) and young members of the works council (BR) in companies and youth secretaries in the IG Metall offices
  • Nationwide (also transnational): with a district youth secretary in each of the seven districts into which IG Metall is geographically divided
  • Throughout Germany: with the Federal Youth Secretary and the "young IG Metall" department on the IG Metall board

So-called branches of IG Metall exist throughout the Federal Republic of Germany. Most of the more than 150 offices have a contact person for youth issues. In addition to the youth and trainee representatives (not existing in every company), they are the first point of contact for trainees, dual students, young professionals and young professionals. Students and schoolchildren under 27 are also IG Metall members of IG Metall Jugend. The youth secretaries are also responsible for this as long as no independent supervision is set up.

In each of the seven IG Metall districts a coordinated district youth secretary or district youth secretary of the work of all youth panels of a district, especially the work of the Regional Youth Committee. They also support the work of youth and trainee representatives in the companies and participate in DGB committees.

The nationwide networking of youth secretaries from the seven districts is coordinated by the Young IG Metall department on the IG Metall executive board in Frankfurt am Main. In addition to the Federal Youth Secretary, there are usually four other union secretaries working here. They share their responsibilities (e.g. recruiting members, campaigns, youth association work as well as company and tariff policy) and work on topics such as social policy, anti-racism, international affairs, media work, craft and other target group topics as well as various current topics. In addition, they are active in various committees and working groups, including in the Federal Youth Committee of the DGB. There the metal workers help to formulate the youth work of all DGB unions and to find common strategic lines.

Youth work

IG Metall Jugend is organized democratically. The members of the local organizations elect their representatives in the district and at the federal level.

Local Youth Committee (OJA)

It is a regular forum for the active members of IG Metall Jugend at the local level and open to all interested young people. Here (vocational) schoolchildren, trainees, young employees and students exchange ideas about training, school and studies as well as work and jointly plan actions, campaigns and their own positions on current topics.

District Youth Committee (BJA)

It usually meets four to six times a year. Delegates from the OJAs of an IG Metall district plan and coordinate national activities here and determine the policy of the IG Metall youth in the respective district.

Youth Committee (YES)

All levels of IG Metall Jugend meet here every quarter and synchronize their work with each other: delegates of the BJAs, all seven district youth secretaries, the Young IG Metall department on the IG Metall Executive Board, and the executive board member of IG Metall, who is responsible for the area Young IG Metall is responsible. In addition, representatives of other departments of the board take part in the deliberations.

Youth conference

It determines the long-term direction of IG Metall Jugend and meets every four years, always before the Ordinary Trade Union Day (IG Metall's highest decision-making body). Over 200 delegates from the districts discuss fundamental questions and determine the future priorities of IG Metall's youth work and policy.

Youth education

The traditional place of education for the youth in the IG Metall is the youth education center in Schliersee . Ten years ago, completely outdated internally and externally, IG Metall Jugend made extensive use of the educational offerings there and also designed it itself. Furthermore, IG Metall Jugend uses the possibilities of the union's own education center Sprockhövel on the southern edge of the Ruhr area. In the program: Theory and practice of union work in the company, on the street, in front of the camera and, last but not least, in one's own committees.

The IG Metall Jugend seminars are largely carried out by volunteer youth education officers. The long tradition of trade union education work is continued through the continuous training and further education of IG Metall youth. The resolutions of the trade union days, which z. B. specify that education "(...) should enable co-determination, self-determination and solidarity and should not be subordinate to economic interests (...)".

Youth campaigns

Operation takeover

The operation acquisition is a nationwide mobilization campaign of IG Metall youth. Her overarching themes are social security , intergenerational equity and career prospects. The focus is on the demand from trainees to be offered a permanent job in their training company - on fair terms. The campaign has been running since 2009 and ended with the conclusion of a collective agreement between IG Metall and the employers' associations in the metal and electrical industry in May 2012. This collective agreement stipulates unlimited employment after vocational training as a new rule.

Revolution education

Revolution Bildung is a nationwide campaign by IG Metall Jugend that started in March 2013. IG Metall Jugend criticizes the four pillars of education, namely quality, access, money and time. In the course of the campaign, deficits and options for action in the field of education are discussed at all levels. The various committees take into account the democratic structure of the union youth and discuss the demands.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. IG Metall: Review of 2013, Outlook on 2014: A Union for All of January 21, 2014.
  2. a b IG Metall Jugend: "For us, people count"
  3. IG Metall Jugend: "We are here for you"
  4. Stephan Klecha, IG Metall and their youth work, p. 64
  5. IG Metall: "Members have a say"