Oskar Hofheinz

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Oskar Hofheinz (born October 8, 1873 in Spöck , † April 24, 1946 in Heidelberg ) was a German politician in the Baden state parliament and opponent of the Nazi regime .


Hofheinz was born the son of an innkeeper. After graduating from the elementary school in Spöck in 1888, he attended the grand-ducal preparatory facility in Gengenbach and the Karlsruhe teachers' college until 1893 . He then became a sub-teacher in Konstanz and a main teacher in Heidelberg. After his military service from 1914 to 1916, Hofheinz was involved in the Heidelberg city council and as chairman of the Baden teachers' association. Hofheinz was also politically active. From 1921 to 1933 he was a member of the Second Chamber of the Baden State Parliament and from 1929 to 1933 he represented the German Democratic Party and State Party as parliamentary group leader .


  • Hans-Georg Merz: Oskar Hofheinz . In: Bernd Ottnad (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume NF 3. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 1990, pp. 130-132.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Georg Merz: Oskar Hofheinz . In: Bernd Ottnad (Ed.): Badische Biographien . Volume NF 3. Stuttgart 1990, p. 130 f .