Oskar Werner (philologist)

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Oskar Werner (* December 20, 1885 ; † after 1969) was a German classical philologist and speaker teacher .

Werner was a teacher of German and classical languages ​​at the Schiller High School in Weimar and lecturer in speech training at the German Theater Institute in Belvedere Palace near Weimar, which existed from 1947 to 1953. He has produced translations of Aeschylus and Euripides , some of which have been reprinted several times , of the Greek satyr plays and the mimiambes of Herodas as well as the poems of Pindar , Simonides and Bakchylides .

Translations (selection)

  • Aeschylus, The Persians . Diesterweg, Frankfurt 1940; 3rd edition 1943.
  • Aeschylus, Oresty . Greek and German. Ernst Heimeran Verlag, Munich 1948, (online) .
  • Aeschylus, Tragedies and Fragments. Greek and German. Ernst Heimeran Verlag, Munich 1959; 5th edition ed. by Bernhard Zimmermann , Artemis and Winkler, Zurich, Düsseldorf 1996.
  • Pindar, songs of victory and fragments . Greek and German. Ernst Heimeran Verlag, Munich 1967.
  • Euripides, The Bacchae . Reclam, Stuttgart 1968, bibliographically supplemented edition 2013.
  • Herodas, Mimiambe . Reclam, Stuttgart 1968.
  • Simonides, Bakchylides, poems . Greek and German. Ernst Heimeran, Munich 1969.
  • Greek satyr games. Reclam, Stuttgart 1970.

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