Ossip Abramowitsch Hannibal

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Ossip Abramovich Hannibal ( Russian Осип Абрамович Ганнибал * January 20 jul. / 31 January  1744 greg. In Reval ; † October 24 jul. / 5. November  1806 greg. In Mikhailovskoye (estate of Pushkin in the region Pskov )) Alexander Pushkin 's maternal grandfather was one of the four sons of Christina Regina von Sjöberg (1717–1781) and Abraham Hannibal .

In the artillery of the Imperial Russian Navy , Ossip Hannibal, like his older brother Iwan, worked his way up from lieutenant to major from 1762 to 1770 and resigned from military service in 1772 as a sea captain of the second rank. He then worked as a judge at the Pleskau Court and as an advisor to government agencies in Saint Petersburg.

Ossip Hannibal married Marija Alexejewna Puschkina (1745-1818) in 1773. In 1775 the daughter Nadezhda was born. The new father left his wife and child in the lurch, declared Marija dead and from 1779 lived with Ustinja Jermolajewna Tolstaja in Michailowskoje. In 1784 the second connection also failed. While Marija accused her husband of bigamy, the cunning Ustinja diligently obtained material advantages. The adulterer was threatened with a church sentence: seven years of penance behind monastery walls. Ossip's brother Ivan obtained a reduction in sentence. The delinquent was allowed to serve in the Black Sea Fleet .

Ossip Hannibal inherited the Michailowskoje estate and several farming villages from his father in 1782 . He spent his old age on the estate and laid out today's park around the manor house.

Web links

  • Entry at culture.pskov.ru (Russian)
  • Entry at ru.rodovid.org (Russian)
  • Entry at nekropole.info/ru (Russian, with picture)
  • Entry on the brothers Iwan and Ossip Hannibal in the FEB (Russian)
  • Entry on Marija Alexejewna Hannibal at hrono.ru (Russian)
  • Ustinja Jermolajewna Tolstaja at ru.rodovid.org (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian ru: Капитан 2-го ранга
  2. Russian Мария Алексеевна Пушкина
  3. Russian Устинья Ермолаевна Толстая
  4. Russian ru: Ганнибал, Иван Абрамович
  5. Russian ru: Михайловское (усадьба Пушкиных)