Easter soup

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Traditional Easter soup with typical ingredients

Easter soup , also known as yellow Easter soup or Swedish soup , is a simple soup that mainly consists of eggs , milk and beer . The recipe has been handed down in writing since at least the 16th century and was often prepared by common people or for servants .


For the Easter soup, eggs are mixed with a little flour and poured with milk and beer. Bread chunks are added to the whole thing and the soup is brought to the boil , then sweetened with syrup , sugar or cinnamon . Because of its sweetness , dark beer was mostly used, and white wine was recommended to refine the soup .

The soup was mainly on the menu of mostly poor people at Easter and harvest time or was prepared for the servants and the house and farm workers, as the ingredients were usually available on the farms in sufficient quantities and the soup was therefore inexpensive. In addition, it was regarded as filling quickly and was therefore also served when unannounced guests came to eat and the better dishes that were actually prepared were not enough.

The name yellow Easter soup is based on the color of the dish, which was created by the eggs and the beer (if a variety that was not too dark was used). Swedish soup they called loudly Christian Friedrich Germershausen because they were originally from ibid came.


In Joseph Eiselein's work The Proverbs and Speeches of the German People in Old and Modern Times , the saying “That is not worth a yellow Easter soup” is passed down, which suggests the low value of the dish.


Individual evidence

  1. The entry "Ostersuppe" in the German dictionary of the Brothers Grimm refers to a work from 1580 ( woerterbuchnetz.de ).
  2. ^ Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander (ed.): German Sprichwort Lexikon . tape  3 . Leipzig 1873, Sp. 1160 ( zeno.org ).