Oswald Schiffers

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Franz Oswald Schiffers (born August 5, 1902 in Eilendorf near Aachen , † February 12, 1976 in Berlin ) was a graphic and poster artist . He was one of the first graphic artists in the 1930s to achieve photo-realistic effects in their work.

At his father's request, Schiffers initially trained as a teacher before moving to Berlin in 1925 and working as a graphic designer at UFA (Universum Film AG). After he had there designed a series movie posters, 1932, made Schiffer as a commercial artist (now Graphic Designer) independently.

In the 1930s, Schiffers specialized in advertising posters for beverage manufacturers - especially beer advertising. The trademark of his beer posters is the meticulous design of the beer glass with shiny water droplets that trickle down from the steamed-up glass. In this photorealistic context, one speaks of " veristic " graphics.

After the National Socialists came to power , Schiffers worked temporarily for the Reich Propaganda Ministry. He designed u. a. the so-called “Shadow Man Campaign” with the well-known slogan “Enemy is listening!” - although before the Third Reich he should have felt more like a member of the KPD .

After the Second World War , he also designed posters for the US occupation authorities.

Oswald Schiffers is the brother of Paul Egon Schiffers (sculptor), Arno Schiffers (painter) and Anselm Schiffers (composer and church musician).


His written estate , consisting of posters, photographs, letters and various documents, is in the poster collection or in the archive of the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg. There are also posters in the Erlangen City Archives .


  • Katja Happe : Beer posters by Oswald Schiffers. Advertisement for the Germans' favorite drink. In: KulturGUT. 2 (2006), no. 9, p. 4 f.

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