Oswald Wirth

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Oswald Wirth

Oswald Wirth , real name Joseph Paul Oswald (born August 5, 1860 in Brienz Switzerland ; † March 9, 1943 in Mouterre-sur-Blourde in the Vienne department ) was a ministerial librarian in Paris and a Masonic writer.


Oswald Wirth was raised Catholic by his parents, but began to be interested in mesmerism in his youth . He left Switzerland to work temporarily as a bookseller in London, but then moved to France where he became a Freemason and began working as a Mesmerian healer. In 1887 he met Stanislas de Guaita , with whom he became friends and whose secretary he became. In 1888 he was one of the founding members of the Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix . In 1889 Wirth published a tarot designed in collaboration with de Guaita and wrote an essay on the astrological symbolism of the tarot for Papus ' book The Tarot of the Gypsies . After de Guaita died in 1897, Oswald Wirth took a job in the library of the French Colonial Museum.

Over the next forty years, Oswals Wirth dealt extensively with occult subjects and in 1927 published another tarot game. Oswald Wirth was a member of the Supreme Council of A. u. A. Scottish Rite . He criticized his Masonic brothers for neglecting the rituals and symbols and urged them to work more on the Masonic ideals. When the Germans occupied France in 1940, Oswald Wirth was on a vacation trip to the Ardennes . He was able to flee to the Vienne department , where he died in 1943. He is buried in the Mouterre-sur-Blourde cemetery south of Poitiers .


  • Founder (1912) and editor of the Masonic magazine "Le Symbolisme"
  • Instruction books:
    • "Le livre de l'Apprenti"
    • "Le livre du Compagnon"
    • "Le livre du Maître"
  • "L'Idéal Initiatique"
  • "Le Symbolisme Hermetique dans ses rapports avec l'Alchimie et la Franc-maçonnerie"
  • "Le Symbolisme occult de la Franc-Maçonnerie"
  • "Le Tarot des Imagiers du Moyen Age"

German editions:

  • The magic of the tarot. A textbook on esoteric initiation , Fischer Media, 1998
  • Lesson in Hermetic Alchemy: Hermetics - Alchemy - Astrochemistry , with Paul Köthner, Schleierwelten-Verlag, 2007
  • Healing hands: The way to the true healer , Aurinia Verlag, 2013. ISBN 978-3-943012-76-7
  • Freemasonry made understandable to its followers. Vol. 1: The apprentice. Philosophy, Object, Method, Means , Edition Königliche Kunst, 2014. ISBN 978-3-942051-59-0
  • Freemasonry made understandable to its followers. Vol. 2: The journeyman. Philosophy, Object, Method, Means , Edition Königliche Kunst, 2014. ISBN 978-3-942051-60-6
  • Freemasonry made understandable to its followers. Vol. 3: The Master. Philosophy, Object, Method, Means , Edition Königliche Kunst, 2014. ISBN 978-3-942051-61-3
  • Golden Rosenkreuzer Wirth Tarot , Aurinia Verlag, 2018. ISBN 978-3-943012-95-8
  • Tarot of the Masters: The High School of the Major Arcana , Aurinia Verlag, 2018. ISBN 978-3-943012-97-2


  • Horst E. Miers : The Lexicon of Secret Knowledge , page 662, Goldmann Verlag, ISBN 3-442-12179-5
  • Pansophic society; Newsletter February 2005
  • Mellor, Alec: Lodge rituals high degrees - Handbook of Freemasonry , 555 S.: numerous. Ill., Austria, 1985

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.la-rose-bleue.org/Biographies/Wirth.html