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Otavice (Croatia)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 43 ° 51 ′ 45 ″  N , 16 ° 9 ′ 20 ″  E
Basic data
State : Croatian flag Croatia
County : Flag of Šibenik-Knin County Šibenik-Knin
Municipality : Ružić
Telephone code : (+385) 022
Postal code : 22 322
License plate : ŠI
Structure and administration
Community type : settlement

Otavice is a village in Croatia near the town of Drniš , which is located in the Šibenik-Knin County in northern Dalmatia . Otavice is located in the Peter Valley ( Petrovo Polje ) and is surrounded by the mountains Svilaja and Moseć . The Čikola River flows through the village .

It was not until the 20th century that the inhabitants of the village settled down from Mount Svilaja into the valley.

There are currently around 190 residents in Otavice. The largest part of the actual population has migrated to larger cities in Croatia such as Split , Šibenik or Zagreb or even abroad for economic reasons .

The most famous son is the world-famous sculptor Ivan Meštrović .

Croatian war

During the Croatia war exclusively Croatian population was expelled by Serb forces, their homes looted and burned. The forest on the mountain on which the mausoleum of Ivan Meštrović stands was also cut down. Considerable damage was also done to the mausoleum itself.

The mausoleum of Ivan Meštrović


On a small mountain in the middle of the village, Ivan Meštrović built a cross-domed structure as a burial place for himself and his family.