Otto Carl Würth

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Otto Carl Würth (born September 13, 1803 in Jungnau , † January 14, 1884 in Chur ) was a German lawyer and politician .


Würth studied law in Tübingen , Freiburg and Heidelberg from 1821 to 1827 . In Tübingen he was a member of the Corps Suevia (II) , in Freiburg of the Alemannia there. After graduating as Dr. jur. In 1827 he became an actuary at the Oberamt Sigmaringen , and in 1832 a lawyer in Sigmaringen . Here he had been a leading member of the opposition movement since the 1830s. In 1832 he took part in the Hambach Festival . From 1833 to 1849 he was a member of the state parliament of the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen .

In April 1848 Würth became a member of the Democratic Central Committee for the elections to the National Assembly in Frankfurt am Main. In September 1848 he became chairman of the security committee in Sigmaringen. In November of that year the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringische Hofgericht initiated criminal proceedings against him for high treason. Würth had already belonged to the pre-parliament and was a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly from December 20, 1848 to June 18, 1849 . In June 1849 he took part in the uprising in Baden and was, among other things, Reich Commissioner of the Reich Regency for Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.

After the suppression of the movement, he fled to Switzerland and settled first as a lawyer in Rorschach , and in 1853 in Chur. In 1854 he was sentenced to three years imprisonment in absentia for high treason.

From 1872 Würth was President of the German Aid Association in Chur.


  • Heinrich Best , Wilhelm Weege: Biographical handbook of the members of the Frankfurt National Assembly 1848/49 (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and the political parties. Volume 8). Droste, Düsseldorf 1996, ISBN 3-7700-5193-9 , p. 365.