Otto Göschen

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Otto Göschen (born July 10, 1808 in Berlin , † September 30, 1865 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German legal scholar.


The son of the legal scholar Johann Friedrich Ludwig Göschen (1778-1837) completed a law degree at the University of Göttingen . For a short time he then became a lawyer, but soon became an assistant at the library in Göttingen, where he received his doctorate in law in 1832 with the dissertation De adquisitione per eum qui serviat . He completed his habilitation in 1833 at the University of Berlin , where he became an associate professor in 1839 .

After he had turned down a call to the University of Basel , he was accepted into the Spruchkollegium in spring 1841 and went to the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 1844 as a full professor of canon law and German private law . There he also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1860/61 .

Above all in the literary field, he has made a name for himself, has appeared as an editor and wrote the article marriage in the first edition of the Real Encyclopedia for Protestant Theology and Church .

Göschen was married to Anna, the daughter of the Prussian minister of culture, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn .


  1. The goslarian statutes. Berlin 1840
  2. The Saxon land law according to the Ouedlinburg parchment manuscript. Hall 1853
  3. Doctrina de matrimonio ex ordinationibus saec. XVI adumbrata. Hall 1859
