Otto Vogel

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Otto Adolf Heinrich Vogel (born March 24, 1894 in Augsburg ; † May 12, 1983 ) was a German manufacturer, businessman, politician and senator (Bavaria).

Vogel attended elementary school and secondary school and finished his school career with the Abitur. He then studied chemistry, philosophy and economics. In the First World War he was active in the military, but was seriously injured. In 1919 he started as an independent businessman in Augsburg with representations in various countries. From 1928 to 1956 he was director of the Julius Schürer sewing thread factory in Augsburg. After the Second World War , he held the office of President of the Augsburg Chamber of Commerce from 1945 to 1958 and was subsequently its Honorary President. In 1947 he became a member of the advisory board for foreign trade at the administration for economics in Frankfurt am Main . In the same year he was elected chairman of the Association of Southern Bavarian Textile Industry, a year later he became President of the General Association of the Textile Industry in the Bizone , which later became the Federal Republic of Germany . In 1949 he co-founded the regional association of Bavarian industry and was elected vice president of the federal association of German industry . In 1947 he also became a member of the newly founded Bavarian Senate , of which he was a member until 1961.

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