Oude Ram Africans

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Oude Ram Africans (* around 1695 in the area of Tulbagh , today South Africa ; † around 1760 in Cape Town ) was the first Kaptein of the later than Africans ( !Gû-!gôun ) known clans of Orlam - Nama in today's Namibia .

The group around Oude Ram ( Afrikaans for Alter Bock ) was the first on the continent to describe itself as African and not directly belong to any ethnic group . The surname Afrikaner developed from this .

Little is known about the life of Oude Ram. Like his son Afrikaner Afrikaner , he is said to have been banished from the Cape Colony by the Dutch East India Company and later received a life sentence. Oude Ram probably died shortly afterwards. His son became one of the first prisoners on Robben Island on September 12, 1761 , where he died on June 25, 1777. His other son Klaas Afrikaner followed him to the post of captain of the clan. From 1770 he brought it from the Cape Colony to Namibia. He founded the oldest pre-colonial settlement in the country, ǁKhauxaǃnas


  1. Note: This article contains characters from the alphabet of the Khoisan languages spoken in southern Africa . The display contains characters of the click letters ǀ , ǁ , ǂ and ǃ . For more information on the pronunciation of long or nasal vowels or certain clicks , see e.g. B. under Khoekhoegowab .

Individual evidence

  1. The Orlams Afrikaners - the Creole Africans of the Garieb . Cape Slavery Heritage. Retrieved on May 7, 2020 Template: dead link /! ... nourl ( page no longer available )
  2. ^ The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa . Currey University of California Press. Retrieved May 7, 2020.
  3. Klaus Dierks : Chapter 3: The History of ǁKhauxaǃnas . In: ǁKhauxaǃnas (accessed May 7, 2020).
  4. Andreas Vogt: The oldest churches in Namibia (part 1) . In: African home calendar 2007 . German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (DELK), 2007.
predecessor Office successor
none Kaptein der Afrikaner ( Kapsteine der Nama )
Klaas Africans