Kęstutis Pūkas

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Kęstutis Pūkas
Seat of the media company UAB “Pūkas” in Šančiai , Kaunas

Kęstutis Pūkas (born November 29, 1952 in the municipality of Marijampolė ) is a Lithuanian businessman and politician .


Pūkas graduated from high school in Soviet Lithuania . From 1970 he worked as a metal modeler and in 1973 as a supplier to the education department of the Panemunė district in Kaunas . From 1974 to 1977 he was an expeditor at the Petrašiūnai plant and from 1977 foreman in the Kaunas Gasification Office. From 1980 to 1982 he worked as a research technician at the Kauno medicinos institutas . From August 1991 to November 2016 he was general director of the media company UAB “Pūkas”.

Business and media

Kęstutis Pūkas founded "Pūkas", a pop music radio station based in Kaunas. In 1994 he set up the Lietuvos muzikos industrijos asociacija association and headed it.


Pūkas was an assistant to Vaidevutė Vincė Margevičienė . From 2015 to 2016 he was a member of the Kaunas City Council and chaired the Anti-Corruption Commission. In October 2016 he became a Seimas member as a candidate for Tvarka ir Teisingumas .

In 2017, impeachment proceedings were initiated against Pūkas in the Seimas . Contrary to parliamentary rules, Pūkas brought a firearm into the parliament building and possibly sexually harassed women who applied to the Seimas office . In 2018, Pūkas renounced his Seimas member mandate and left parliament on January 12th. His successor is Ona Valiukevičiūtė .


His wife since 2008 is Lina Pūkienė (* 1977; born Vilimaitė), Deputy General Director of UAB "Pūkas" and a member of Kaunas City Council. Pūkas is married for the 5th time and has 10 children. His wife is Lina Vilimaitė (* 1977). His children are Rita (* 1972), Lina (* 1979), Ričardas (* 1981), Robertas (* 1987), Rolandas (* 1988), Romanas (* 1999), Kęstutis, Gediminas and Barbora.

Web links


  1. life
  2. Prezidentė pasveikino K.Pūką laimėjus savivaldybių rinkimus ir pašmaikštavo: "Labai nesbitkavokit"
  3. http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/seimo-etikos-sargai-nusprende-siulys-seimui-pradeti-apkalta-k-pukui.d?id=74055404
  4. http://www.lrs.lt/sip/portal.show?p_r=8801&p_k=1&p_a=seimo_narys&p_asm_id=79143
  5. Lina Pūkienė (VRK.lt)
  6. Kęstučio Pūko žmona Lina Pūkienė pagimdė dukrą: politikui - tai jau dešimtas vaikas
  7. K. Pūkui gimė dešimtas vaikas
  8. Verslininkas K.Pūkas penktą kartą sumainė aukso žiedus