Palm m100

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Palm m125 handheld computer, 2001
The m125 with cover, top and bottom

The PDA m100 and m105 brought Palm in Q3 / 2000 and Q1 / 2001 as entry-level models to the market. They replaced the Palm IIIxe . The housing is similar to that of the models m125 (introduced in Q3 / 2001) and the color model m130 (introduced in Q1 / 2002), which are higher up in the product range .

Comparison of the models

Comparison of the equipment features of the m1xx series from Palm.

Palm m100 Palm m105 Palm m125 Palm m130
operating system Palm OS 3.5.1 Palm OS 3.5.1 Palm OS 4.0 Palm OS 4.0
Display monochrome, 16 shades of gray ,

160 × 160 pixels

monochrome, 16 shades of gray,

160 × 160 pixels

monochrome, 16 shades of gray,

160 × 160 pixels

Color, 58,621 colors,

160 × 160 pixels

Storage 2 MB RAM 8 MB RAM 8 MB RAM 8 MB RAM
processor 16 MHz Motorola Dragonball EZ 16 MHz Motorola Dragonball EZ 33 MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ 33 MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ
Expansion cards no no SD / MMC SD / MMC
Interfaces RS-232 , infrared RS-232, infrared RS-232, USB , infrared RS-232, USB, infrared
Power supply 2 micro rechargeable batteries / batteries (AAA) 2 micro rechargeable batteries / batteries (AAA) 2 micro rechargeable batteries / batteries (AAA) Li-ion battery
Dimensions 11.8 x 7.9 x 1.8 cm 11.8 x 7.9 x 1.8 cm 12.2 x 7.8 x 2.2 cm 12.2 x 7.8 x 2.2 cm
Dimensions 125 g 125 g 151 g 153 g


The models m100 / m105 represent robust entry-level devices, however, was the gold cap - capacitor , which caused during battery replacement to maintain data of the RAM undersized with respect to the maximum allowable voltage so he that severely degraded in many devices. As a result, all data is lost when the batteries are changed. There are numerous instructions online on how to replace the built-in gold cap.

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