Pangasius conchophilus

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Pangasius conchophilus
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pangasius
Type : Pangasius conchophilus
Scientific name
Pangasius conchophilus
Roberts & Vidthayanon , 1991

Pangasius conchophilus ( Latin Concha "shell" and Greek φιλος / phílos - "loving") is a species of fish from the genus Pangasius within the shark catfish family. The species is found in the Mekong , Bang Pakong and Mae Nam Chao Phraya river systemsin Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam and Thailand and plays a minor role in commercial fisheries.


Pangasius conchophilus reaches a body length of up to 120 cm. The hull is dull gray with a faint green tinge. The slightly lower mouth is surmounted by a clearly protruding snout, so that the teeth of the upper jaw are partially visible even when the mouth is closed. The ploughshare has an uninterrupted row of teeth, and a large tooth plate lies in the middle of the palatine bone . The anal fin has 25 to 30 soft rays.

Way of life

Pangasius conchophilus inhabits large rivers and is found here in both fast and slow-flowing sections. Young animals mainly feed on small crustaceans and insects . Older animals mainly eat molluscs , to which the specific epithet also refers, but also crustaceans, insects and plants.

The eggs are laid at the beginning of the flood period, after which the old fish migrate into the flooded areas.


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