Pangasius mekongensis

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Pangasius mekongensis
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pangasius
Type : Pangasius mekongensis
Scientific name
Pangasius mekongensis
Gustiano , Teugels & Pouyaud , 2003

Pangasius mekongensis is a species of fish from the genus Pangasius , within the shark catfish family. It is only known from the lower reaches of the Mekong and is an important food fish there .


Pangasius mekongensis shows the typical build of the shark catfish . The head is long, broad and rounded with a long, protruding muzzle and large nostrils. The tooth plate on the intermaxillary bone is visible when the mouth is closed, on the palatal bone there are two large, narrow tooth plates that grow together in older animals. The gill trap has 16 to 23 rays on the first arch. The body is strong and broad with a dark back and a golden sheen on the head, flanks and fins. The belly is whitish. The total length is probably up to over a meter, the longest measured specimen was a little over 40 cm long.

The dorsal fin has a very short and a long, strong hard ray, sawn on the back, and six to eight soft rays. The pectoral fins have a strong hard and 9 to 13 soft rays, sawn on the back. The pelvic fins have six, the anal fin 25 to 38 soft rays. The adipose fin is large and the caudal fin is short.

Way of life

The species inhabits fresh and brackish water areas of the Mekong Delta. It feeds mainly on fish. Nothing is known about reproduction.


  • R. Gustiano, GG Teugels, L. Pouyaud: Revision of the Pangasius kunyit catfish complex, with description of two new species from South-East Asia (Siluriformes; Pangasiidae) . In: Journal of Natural History . tape 37 , 2003, p. 357-376 (English).

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