Pangasius nasutus

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Pangasius nasutus
Pangasius nasutus.JPG

Pangasius nasutus

Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pangasius
Type : Pangasius nasutus
Scientific name
Pangasius nasutus
Bleeker , 1863

Pangasius nasutus is a species of fish from the genus Pangasius within the shark catfish family. It occurs on Sumatra , Borneo and the Malay Peninsula in large and medium-sized rivers and in freshwater lakes.


Pangasius nasutus has an elongated, laterally somewhat flattened body and reaches a length of about 90 cm. The snout protrudes clearly above the lower mouth and is conspicuously pointed in young animals, but becomes increasingly rounded in older animals. The teeth of the upper jaw are clearly visible even when the mouth is closed. The eye is smaller than that of other species. The hard rays of the dorsal fin and pectoral fins are long and powerful. The body has no noticeable markings and is significantly darker on the back than on the stomach. The fins are reddish. The dorsal fin has two hard and seven soft rays, the anal fin has 26 to 30 soft rays. The gill trap has 17 to 21 rays on the first arch.

Way of life

The species feeds on other fish, crustaceans , molluscs, and insects .


  • Tyson R. Roberts, Chavalit Vidthayanon: Systematic revision of the Asian catfish family Pangasiidae, with biological observations and descriptions of three new species . In: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. tape 143 , 1991, pp. 97-144 (English).
  • Max Weber, LF Beaufort: The Fishes of the Indo-Australian archipelago . EJ Brill, Leiden 1965.

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