Michele Pannonio

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Thalia (1456),
Szépművészeti Múzeum , Budapest

Michele Pannonio (verifiable from 1415 to 1464 ; † around 1464 in Ferrara ; also Michele Ongaro or Michele Dai Unni , actually Pannóniai Mihály ) was a painter of Hungarian origin who worked in Ferrara .

Pannonio's work can be traced back to Ferrara from 1415. As an artist, he was stylistically a mediator between the late Gothic and the early Renaissance . At the end of his life he was promoted to court painter to the Borso d'Este . It is believed that he also worked temporarily in Florence as an assistant to Gentile da Fabriano .

Only one signed panel is known of Michele Pannonio's and is now part of the collection of the Szépművészeti Múzeum in Budapest. It was painted between 1456 and 1459 and shows the muse Thalia or Ceres . The panel picture belonged to a cycle of muses that was painted to furnish the study in Belfiore Castle near Ferrara and of which three other paintings are known today. Of these, two are attributed to Angelo Maccagnino and one to Cosmè Tura .

Despite his Hungarian origins, Michele Pannonio is also commonly referred to as an Italian painter.


Web links

Commons : Michele Pannonio  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pannonio, Michele di Nicolò d'Ungheria. In: Dizionario biografico degli italiani. Volume 80: Ottone I - Pansa. Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2014 (Italian, treccani.it ).