Raniero Panzieri

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Raniero Panzieri (born February 14, 1921 in Rome , † October 9, 1964 in Turin ) was an Italian Marxist . He is considered to be the founder of operaism .

Panzieri was a leading member of PSI from 1953 to 1957 and its spokesman for cultural issues. In 1953 the Italian translation of the second volume of Marx's Capital , which he and his wife had prepared and which he considered to be the essential basis of Marxist theory, appeared. From 1956 on he was editor, then in fact head of the Mondo operaio , the theoretical journal of the PSI, and from 1957–58 he propagated worker studies there . The Socialist Party, however, did not radicalize itself, but became more and more willing to compromise. Panzieri resigned from the magazine in December 1958.

Quaderni rossi

At the end of 1959, Panzieri organized a group of young socialists in Turin from which the Quaderni rossi ( Red Notebooks ) would emerge. From the beginning, however, there was strong tension between a “scientific” wing around Vittorio Rieser (Giovanni Mottura, Dino De Palma) and militant veterans of socialist organizations around Emilio Soave. The first number of the Rote Hefte is determined by the right wing, but after that the Soave wing wins the upper hand in the Turin group and joins the editorial team of QR in February 1961, as well as Roman intellectuals around Mario Tronti , Alberto Asor Rosa, Gaspare De Caro. Tensions remain and in the spring of 1963 the Soave wing finally breaks with Panzieri. The Rieser wing takes over the Quaderni rossi , the Soave people, Romano Alquati and the group around Mario Tronti found the Classe operia .

The policies of the PSI and the PCI were always not radical enough for Panzieri; he had a militant workers' movement in mind that would work towards revolution . Panzieri died unexpectedly at the age of 43.


  • Alain Touraine, Lucio Libertini and Raniero Panzieri: Seven theses on workers' control. Class struggle and social crisis , o. O. ( Karin Kramer Verlag , Berlin), o. J. (1970?).
After a French edition; improved translation in: Archive for the History of Resistance and Work , No. 10, 1989, pp. 172-181.
The theses of Libertini and Panzieri, Sette tesi sulla questione del controllo operaio , was first published in: Mondo operaio , February, 1958.
  • Late capitalism and class struggle: A selection from the 'Quaderni Rossi' , Claudio Pozzoli (ed.), Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt a. M., 1972 contains the following essays by Raniero Panzieri: On the capitalist application of machinery in late capitalism, ( Sull'uso capitalistico delle macchine nel neocapitalismo , Quaderni Rossi , No. 1, 1961), pp. 14-32; Added value and planning ( Plusvalore e pianificazione , QR , No. 4, summer 1964), pp. 56–86; Socialist use of the workers' questionnaire ( Intervento di Raniero Panzieri , QR , No. 5, March 1965), pp. 105–113.
  • Raniero Panzieri : Lotte operaie nello sviluppo capitalistico, ed. v. Sandro Mancini, 3rd edition, Turin 1976.

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