Paolo Collura

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Paolo Collura (born July 2, 1914 in Prizzi ; † October 28, 1997 ibid) was an Italian clergyman, palaeographer and diplomat .

Paolo Collura 1977


He was a pupil of Carlo Alberto Garufi , whose collection of photographic plates, mainly with photographs (made around 1900) of documents from the Norman era, he inherited and donated in 1980 to the University of Palermo and the then Cattedra di Paleografia e Diplomatica Latina , which he himself donated for many years had represented.

His work includes a monograph on the Carolingian writing reform in the Abbey of Bobbio and the edition of the older documents in the chapter archive of Agrigento, as well as his additions to the regests of Rogers II , which Erich Caspar published in the appendix of his monograph on the first Norman king of Sicily. The project he proposed for a trilingual document book , which was supposed to make the diplomas of the Norman counts and kings of Sicily accessible in a modern edition, was implemented in Latin script and language for a good part of the documents. It is currently not foreseeable when the Greek and Arabic texts will be available.

He was also director of the Museo Diocesano di Palermo . A considerable part of the iconographic material that he used for his book about the Palermitan patroness Rosalia was available there .

Publications (selection)

  • La precarolina e la carolina a Bobbio: Studi paleografici. Con prefazione di GC Bascapé, 1943, reprint Milan 1965 (Fontes Ambrosiani; 22)
  • Appendice al regesto dei diplomi di re Ruggero compilato da Erich Caspar , in: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi Ruggeriani , t. 2, Palermo 1955, pp. 545-625.
  • Le più antiche carte dell'Archivio Capitolare di Agrigento (1092-1282) , Palermo 1961. (Documenti per servire alla storia di Sicilia, seria Ia t. 25)
  • Santa Rosalia nella storia e nell'arte . Palermo 1977


  • Diego Ciccarelli, Bibliografia degli scritti di Paolo Collura . Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali 1998 (Scrinium 17)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paolo Collura (Palermo), La collezione fotografica CA Garufi presso l'Istituto di Storia Medievale dell'Università di Palermo . In: Photographic Collections of Medieval Documents in Europe. History, scope, structure and description methods of the most important document photo collections, with contributions to the EDP recording of certificates and photo documents , ed. by Peter Rück , Jan Thorbecke Sigmaringen 1989 (historical auxiliary sciences, vol. 1) pp. 113–114 ISBN 3-7995-4201-9
  2. Until then, recourse to the not in all cases satisfactory edition by Salvatore Cusa is inevitable.