Paolo Fiammingo

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Paolo Fiammingo , actually Pauwels Franck , also Paolo dei Franceschi , Paulo Fiamengo or Pauwels Franck (* around 1540 in Antwerp , † December 20, 1596 in Venice ), was a Flemish painter , later a student of Jacopo Tintoretto and from then on exclusively in Venice active.

Paolo Fiammingo was born in Antwerp around 1540 and worked as a master in the Guild of St. Luke . He led u. a. for Hans Fugger from Augsburg the wall group of elements in his Fugger Castle in Kirchheim / Swabia . Around 1573 he then settled permanently in Venice, where he became a student of Jacopo Tintoretto. He worked on his large painting in the Palazzo Ducale , especially on the execution of the background landscapes. In the files of the Venetian painters' guild he is registered as Paulo Fiamengo from 1584 to 1596 .

Paolo Fiammingo distinguished himself primarily in painting landscapes, but also created paintings with historical, religious or mythological subjects. His landscape paintings, in which he combined the Flemish with the Venetian style, had a certain influence on painting in Italy and also north of the Alps.

One of his most important clients was Emperor Rudolph II. Fiammingo died in Venice in 1596.

Works (selection)

Apollo and Poseidon punish Troy , around 1590
Allegory of the water , before 1596
  • Doge Ziani che riceve la benedizione da Alessandro III. , Doge's Palace Venice
  • Descent from the Cross , Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari , Venice
  • Saint John preaching in the desert , Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari , Venice
  • Judith adorns herself for Holofernes , Raccolte Artistiche del Castello Sforzesco, Milan
  • Judith beheads Holofernes , Raccolte Artistiche del Castello Sforzesco, Milan
  • Altarpiece for San Girolamo (1583), Duomo di San Michele, Murano
  • Landscape with King Midas , Berlin
  • Christ's death in the lap of the Virgin , Munich
  • Pietà , Alte Pinakothek, Munich
  • Triumph of the elements , Fugger Castle in Kirchheim / Swabia
  • Cycle of Love (Reciproco d´Amore, 1580), for the Fugger Castle in Kirchheim / Swabia, now KHM Vienna
  • Landscapes , Musée de Vicence
  • Diana , goddess of the hunt , Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nancy
  • Scene of the Argonauts , National Gallery, London
  • Landscape with Diana and Nymphs
  • Triumph of virtues over vices
  • Allegory of the planets
  • The bronze age
  • The Bronze Age


Web links

Commons : Paolo Fiammingo  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Franck, Pawels. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome. Retrieved February 24, 2016.