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Adler Diplomat with a Cabriolet body by Papler (1935)
Papler vehicle based on a VW Beetle

The Papler body GmbH was a German Stellmacher operation and manufacturer of bodies in Cologne .


The company was founded in 1868 as Papler & Sohn GmbH for the production of carriages . From 1908 bodies for automobiles were manufactured.

In the 1920s, Papler produced one-offs for German and foreign automobile manufacturers; in addition, serial bodies were built for Adler and Ford . Commercial vehicles and special vehicles have been manufactured since 1936 .

After the Second World War , series and special bodies were built for Ford until Faun GmbH took over the company in January 1955. Today body repairs are carried out and sheet metal parts are produced for Ford and Iveco .


Web links

Commons : Papler  - collection of images, videos and audio files