Poplar cup bark sponge

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Poplar cup bark sponge
Poplar bark sponge (Schizophyllum amplum)

Poplar bark sponge ( Schizophyllum amplum )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Split-leaf relatives (Schizophyllaceae)
Genre : Split leaves ( Schizophyllum )
Type : Poplar cup bark sponge
Scientific name
Schizophyllum amplum
(Lév.) Nakasone

The poplar bark cup sponge or Judas ears ( Schizophyllum amplum , syn. Auriculariopsis ampla ) is a fungus and one of six types of the genus Schizophyllum from the family of Schizophyllaceae .

Appearance / characteristics

The Judas ear forms small (0.5–1.5 cm wide), flat, cup-shaped to bowl-shaped fruit bodies . The convex, whitish to cream-colored surface is covered with a fine felt formed from hyphae hair. The inside of the cups is colored ocher to brownish, smooth to furrowed. When moist, the fruit bodies are soft and gelatinous; when dry, they are hard.


The poplar bark sponge lives as a saprobiont on thin, dead, still barked branches of poplar and willow species that are either still hanging in the air or have only recently fallen. The fungus is mainly found in floodplain and swamp forests, as well as along stream corridors; it can also be found in humid forests. It also occurs in poplar plantations in climatically favorable (humid) places. The fruiting bodies appear preferentially in the winter months (late autumn, early spring, late spring)


According to Krieglsteiner, the poplar bark sponge is a Holarctic fungus that occurs particularly in temperate sub-ocean areas. In Germany it can be found mainly in the mild winter river valleys.


The poplar cup bark sponge is not an edible mushroom, because of the substrate it has no economic importance.

Taxonomic classification

The taxonomic classification of the species is controversial. It is classified by the index fungorum and Mycobank in the relationship of the split leaves (these are derived from the intergrowth of several fruiting bodies of a similar type) and in the genus Schizophyllum.


Web links

Commons : Poplar Bark Sponge ( Schizophyllum amplum )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Species Fungorum , at www.speciesfungorum.org, accessed October 18, 2018
  2. Schizophyllum amplum , at /www.mycobank.org, accessed October 18, 2018