Party for the Dignity of the People

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Party for the Dignity of the People
Party leader Maïna Ari Adji Kirgam
founding April 2, 1995
Headquarters Niger
Parliament seats 0 of 171

The Party for the Dignity of the People ( French : Parti pour la Dignité du Peuple-Daraja , abbreviation: PDP-Daraja ) is a political party in Niger .


The Party for the Dignity of the People was founded on April 2, 1995 and presented itself to the public in October 1995. Its founder and chairman of the party is Maïna Ari Adji Kirgam , one from the region of Diffa originating Kanuri . Adji Kirgam was expelled from the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (PNDS-Tarayya) in 1994 when he publicly spoke out against the coalition with the former unity party, National Development Movement (MNSD-Nassara).

When the officer Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, who came to power in a coup d'état, was confirmed as head of state in the controversial presidential elections of 1996 , the subsequent parliamentary elections of 1996 were boycotted by eight opposition parties. Adji Kirgams PDP-Daraja was one of the few supporters of Baré Maïnassara and received three out of 83 seats in the national assembly in the parliamentary elections . Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara was killed in a 1999 coup led by Daouda Malam Wanké . In the following free parliamentary elections in 1999 , the PDP-Daraja failed to get back into the National Assembly.

The outcome of the controversial constitutional referendum of 2009 , which gave President Mamadou Tandja of the MNSD-Nassara a third term, was welcomed by the PDP-Daraja. The PDP-Daraja and other small parties, including the National Union of Independents (UNI) and the Party of the Masses for Labor (PMT-Albarka), issued a joint statement condemning the overthrow of Mamadou Tandja by the coup led by Salou Djibo on February 18 2010. The PDP-Daraja supported the MNSD-Nassara candidate Seini Oumarou in the presidential elections of 2011 , who however had to admit defeat to Mahamadou Issoufou of the PNDS-Tarayya.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ André Salifou: Le Niger . L'Harmattan, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-7475-2639-9 , p. 350.
  2. Arthur S. Banks and Thomas C. Muller (Eds.): Political Handbook of the World 1998 . CQ Press, Washington, DC 1998, ISBN 978-0-933199-13-2 , p. 679.
  3. Les partis politiques nigériens, leurs leaders respectifs et les pratiques politiques inavouables ( Memento of February 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). Website, published March 1, 2004, accessed October 27, 2012.
  4. Jibrin Ibrahim and Abdoulaye Niandou Souley : The rise to power of an opposition party the MNSD in Niger Republic . University of South Africa website, accessed October 27, 2012.
  5. ^ Elections in Niger . African Elections Database, published October 30, 2011, accessed October 27, 2012.
  6. ^ Oumarou Moussa: Déclaration du parti Daraja relative aux résultats du Référendum du 4 août 2009: le Niger a ouvert une nouvelle page de son histoire politique . Le Sahel website, published August 17, 2009, accessed October 27, 2012.
  7. Le Niger à travers sa presse du 22 to 28 février 2010 (PDF; 183 kB). Ambassade de France au Niger, Service de Presse, accessed October 27, 2012.
  8. Daouda Hassane: Déclaration de l'Alliance pour la Réconciliation Nationale (ARN): une vingtaine de partis politiques accordent leur soutien au candidat du MNSD Nassara, M. Seini Oumarou ( Memento of December 9, 2012 in the web archive ). Le Sahel website, published February 22, 2011, accessed October 27, 2012.