Partia Konserwatywna

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The Partia Konserwatywna ( PK ) was a Polish conservative party that existed from 1992 to 1997 and was led by Aleksander Hall during this time .


The party was formed on December 6, 1992 (formal registration was on February 19, 1993). It was founded by part of the members of the Forum of the Democratic Right , which was active within the Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union - UD). There were also officials of the Koalicja Republikańska (Republican Coalition), the Kongres Liberalno-Demokratieyczny (Liberal-Democratic Congress - KLD), and the so-called Upper Silesian Conservative-Liberal Group. In the Sejm , their previously elected representatives (8 MPs, 6 from the UD and 2 from the KLD) joined the "Polish Convention" parliamentary group.

In the Sejm elections of 1993, the Partia Konserwatywna joined the electoral alliance Katolicki Komitet Wyborczy "Ojczyzna" (Catholic Election Committee "Fatherland"), which received 878,445 votes (6.37% of the vote) and thus not the 8% threshold for Could reach electoral alliances.

In the autumn of 1993, the party joined the coalition "Unification November 11th" (on November 11th, 1918 Poland regained state independence). In February 1994 some important officials left the party, such as B. Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski and Paweł Zalewski , who in turn founded the Koalicja Konserwatywna (Conservative Coalition - KD). A year later, the PK supported the candidate Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz in the 1995 presidential elections . In 1996, an agreement was signed with the Unia Wolności , which, however, soon joined Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność (AWS).

In January 1997 the PK went into the Stronnictwo Konserwatywno-Ludowe (Conservative People's Party - SKL) and was dissolved.

Leading politicians


  • Krystyna Paszkiewicz: Partie i koalicje polityczne III Rzeczypospolitej. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2000. ISBN 8322920512 .