Passaloecus corniger

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Passaloecus corniger
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Crabronidae
Genre : Passaloecus
Type : Passaloecus corniger
Scientific name
Passaloecus corniger
Shuckard , 1837

Passaloecus corniger is a hymenoptera fromthe Crabronidae family .


The wasp reaches a body length of 5 to 7 millimeters (females) or 4.5 to 6 millimeters (males). One can distinguish the species relatively well from the other very similar species of the genus Passaloecus . The species is the only one in the genus in which the clypeus of the females is very silvery hairy, which otherwise only occurs in the males. Both sexes have a scrobal sulcus and an episterial sulcus, which consists of a simple dotted line. A pointed spike can be seen between the feelers .


The species is widespread Europe to 64 ° north latitude and Asia, east to Japan. It colonizes different habitats in which suitable nesting opportunities are available. The species flies in two generations from June to September. It is common in Central Europe.

Way of life

Passaloecus corniger is very adaptable and creates its nests in the feeding tunnels of beetles, in stalks containing pith , in roof reeds and also in plant galls caused by stalk flies of the genus Lipara . Also started nests of other wasp species are used. The cell walls are made with resin. The brood is supplied with tube aphids (Aphididae) or, more rarely, with leaf fleas of the family Psyllidae , with up to 25 animals per cell. In particular with larger aggregations, the prey is stolen, unlike other species of the genus, from nests of conspecifics, other species of the genus and even from Psenulus pallipes . Omalus violaceus , Omalus puncticollis , Omalus aeneus and Omalus auratus have been identified as cuckoo wasps .

supporting documents


  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .

Web links

Commons : Passaloecus corniger  - collection of images, videos and audio files