Patrick F. Kennedy

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Patrick F. Kennedy (2002)

Patrick Francis Kennedy (* 1949 in Chicago , Illinois ) is an American diplomat and government official who was Assistant Secretary of State for Administration between 1993 and 2001 and Under Secretary of State for Management between 2007 and 2017 .


After attending school, Kennedy completed a degree in Foreign Service at Georgetown University , from which he graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BS Foreign Service). He then joined the US State Department's diplomatic service in 1973 . After serving as regional administration advisor between 1973 and 1974, he was a personnel officer in the Bureau of African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1975 to 1976 and special assistant to the Under Secretary for Management between 1977 and 1981 . After serving as a senior official for general duties at the embassy in France from 1981 to 1985 , he was administrative director and deputy executive secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1985 to 1990, before he was finally head of the administration department of the embassy in Egypt between 1991 and 1993 as counselor .

After twenty years in the foreign service, he succeeded Arthur W. Fort as Assistant Secretary for Administration on May 20, 1993 and held this position as Head of the Administration Department until 2001. His successor on July 13, 2001 was William A. Eaton . During this time he was Acting Under Secretary of State for Management from Richard M. Moose's departure from September 1, 1996 until Bonnie R. Cohen took office on August 20, 1997 . In addition, in 1998 he served as Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security and thus head of the Department for Diplomatic Security. In addition, between 1997 and 2001, he was State Department coordinator for the reorganization of US missions abroad . His nomination of February 24, 2000 as Head of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva was not confirmed by the Senate .

Instead, Kennedy became Ambassador to the UN for Management and Reform in 2001 and remained in that post until 2005. At the same time he was from May to November 2003 chief of staff of the coalition interim administration for Iraq CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) and between May and August 2004 chief of staff of the unit of the CPA, which handed over the administration to the interim government of Iraq . From 2005 to 2007 he was Deputy Director of Administration at the Director of National Intelligence ( DNI ) .

2007 joined Kennedy back into the State Department and was made head of the Department of Administration Policy and Innovation (Office of Management Policy, rightsizing, and Innovation), before 2007 successor on November 15, Henrietta H. Fore as undersecretary of state for management (Under Secretary of State for Management) . He held this post until his resignation in early 2017. After he was initially given more responsibility in the transition phase after Donald Trump's election , it was announced on January 26, 2017 that he would leave the State Department by the end of January 2017. His resignation came in unison with three other senior ministry officials - Joyce Anne Barr, Michele Bond and Gentry O. Smith - during a visit by then-then- secretary- elect Rex Tillerson .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Josh Rogin: The State Department's Entire senior administrative team just resigned. In: January 26, 2017, accessed January 27, 2017 .