Paul Behrend

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Behrend as a student in Heidelberg, 1872

Paul (Gerhard) Behrend (born May 24, 1853 in Jäschkenthal near Danzig ; † April 2, 1905 in Danzig-Langfuhr ) was a German agricultural chemist.


Behrend, son of a wholesale merchant, first studied chemistry at Heidelberg University , where he joined the Corps Rhenania in 1872 . He finished his studies in Leipzig , where he was awarded a Dr. phil. received his doctorate . He then went to Halle (Saale) and became an assistant at the agricultural chemical experimental station of the Central Agricultural Association of the Province of Saxony , which was headed by Max Maercker .

With a grant from the Friedrich Wilhelm Victoria Foundation , Behrend went on a study trip to the Rothamsted Experimental Station in 1879 to learn about the continuous fertilization experiments that John Bennet Lawes and Joseph Henry Gilbert had carried out there since 1843 . His detailed report on it, which he published in the "Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbücher" in 1881 and which was published as a book in the same year, is one of the best German-language works on these world-famous field tests. Behrend used parts of this report for his habilitation thesis, with which he received the Venia legendi for the field of agricultural chemistry at the University of Halle in 1881 .

In 1882 he accepted a call as a full professor for technology and chemistry at the Agricultural Academy Hohenheim . Here he mainly dealt with the chemistry of fruit wine and wrote a textbook for practical distillery operations. In 1904, shortly before his premature death, he took over a full professorship for food chemistry and agricultural trades at the Technical University of Danzig . Behrend is one of the outstanding pupils of Max Maercker, whose life's work he paid tribute to in a detailed article in 1902.

Fonts (selection)

  • Studies of the effects of the most important plant nutrients on the life of some cultivated plants according to experiments by Lawes and Gilbert in England . Habil. Schr. University of Halle-Wittenberg 1881.
  • Brief instructions for practical distillery operation . Eugen Ulmer publishing house, Stuttgart 1885; 2nd edition ibid. 1900.
  • Max Maercker †. A look back . Paul Parey publishing house, Berlin 1902. Zugl. In: Agricultural yearbooks. Vol. 31, 1902, pp. 1-54.


  • E. Glimm: Paul Behrend † . In: Journal of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 18, 1905, pp. 849-852. (with picture and list of scriptures)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 119 , 669
  2. Dissertation: About the sulfuryl chloride and its behavior towards alcohols