Christian Carl Westphal

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Oil portrait Christian Carl Westphal, painting by F. Noelle, 1851
Emilie Eleonore Dorothee Westphal (1807–1877), wife of C.Westphal, painting by Ferdinand Flor
Westphal's wife and three children in their winter garden, room picture by Eduard Gaertner , 1836

Christian Carl Westphal (born December 23, 1783 in Elsdorf near Koethen , † April 16, 1860 in Berlin ) was a Prussian merchant and councilor .


Christian Carl Westphal was the owner of a rental house in Berlin not far from the Schickler sugar boiler at Alexanderstraße 22. His house was a larger rental house; the two side wings were used exclusively for business purposes. A garden of about 7500 square meters with several greenhouses completed the complex. Its greenhouses, especially those for grapes and azaleas, were well known and visitors came from all over the place to see them. Westphal rented his house among others to the painter Eduard Gaertner , who had registered the house as his place of residence for over four years. In 1835 he moved to Alexanderstraße 22, which at that time housed eight other tenants, including Heinrich Andreas de Cuvry and part of the Royal Prussian Sea Trade. Gaertner noted in his notes on November 24th, 1834: "... with Mr. Westphal / discussed the details about lodging ..."

Westphal was considered a great supporter of the Prussian art world. So he made a studio in his house available to Eduard Gaertner. During this time the artist created numerous views of Berlin. Westphal commissioned Gaertner several times, including the street view of his rental house with courtyard, the portraits of the Westphal family in the winter garden and a currently lost painting on which Christian Carl Westphal could also be seen in his greenhouse.

In Eduard Gaertner's writing calendar of March 28, 1836, one can read: “The Herr Westphal in his greenhouses / painted”, and further on March 29, 1836: “Painted the young Westphal.” On April 7th, Gaertner held another one Note: "The little Westphals put in the / greenhouses". On July 6, 1836, Gaertner wrote in his notes: "The small picture for Mr. Westphal / a view of his house started". There are verifiably two views of this street view of the Westphals house at Alexanderstraße 22. In Gaertner's picture of Alexanderstraße the Westphal family is shown in their carriage, on the left in front of it is Westphal's son from his first marriage, Carl Friedrich Heinrich Westphal.

Courtyard of the house Alexanderstraße 22, 1836, oil on canvas, Eduard Gaertner

Eduard Gartner made another view of Alexanderstraße 22. The picture shows the courtyard of the house at Alexanderstrasse 22. The courtyard picture holds three children of the Westphals playing with their nanny, on the right an official of the Prussian Sea Trade, who was also the tenant of Christian Carl Westphal at Alexanderstrasse 22. Westphal stored some wool in Alexanderstrasse for sorting. It was therefore very likely that the officer depicted was a maritime controller.

Photographs of the works were first made available to the Märkisches Museum in 1931 by Walter Lampson, one of the Westphals' grandchildren. Lampson is a direct descendant of the Westphal line and son of Maria Dorothee Adelaide Lampson, née Westphal, the eldest daughter on the greenhouse painting by Eduard Gaertner.

Death certificate Christian Carl Westphal

Christian Carl Westphal died on April 16, 1860 at the age of 76 in Berlin and was buried there on April 19, 1860 in the cemetery of St. Andrew's Church.

Son of Christian Carl Westphal

His son Paul Clemens Julius Westphal was appointed volunteer cadet on September 16, 1859, and on October 1, 1859 he was assigned to the midshipman's institute, where he was later promoted to midshipman's position. He served from May 1860 on the SMS Barbarossa and SMS Danzig where he was appointed ensign at sea on June 30, 1860 . Here he was also qualified as a lieutenant in the sea . On September 15, 1861 he was commanded to the SMS Amazone . The SMS Amazone had left for another training trip to Portugal and was caught in a severe hurricane off the Dutch coast . The ship sank with the entire crew on November 14, 1861.

A memorial in Berlin's Invalidenpark was dedicated to the dead in 1863 . 107 crew members were listed on bronze plaques. The memorial was removed in the summer of 1951.

Professional background

Alexanderstraße seen from the corner of Holzmarktstraße, 1836, oil on canvas, 17 × 24.5 cm, Eduard Gaertner

Westphal worked as a merchant and director of the wool business of the Royal Prussian Sea Trade . On August 3, 1844, he was appointed Councilor of Commerce by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV . During this time, the title of "Kommerzienrat" was still very rare. When the king appointed him, there were only three other councilors in Berlin besides him. Christian Carl Westphal recognized from his many years of experience as a businessman as early as 1826 that the local wool industry was facing a deep crisis. He was a recognized expert in wool sorting and wrote the book Instructions for Knowledge of Sheep Wool and its Sorting . With his fears and analyzes he turned to Christian Rother , the then head of maritime trade, and convinced him of his plan to effectively counteract the impending crisis. With the era of Christian Rother and his industrialization program, the entrepreneurial commitment of the maritime trade, which is in the interests of the state, reached its climax. Christian Rother recognized the necessity, urgency and feasibility of the measures presented by Westphal. Christian Carl Westphal was subsequently appointed to become a partner in the newly launched wool purchase business of Seehlassung. In this context he was also appointed head of the Berlin wool sorting facility. The management of the maritime trade reserved the right to finally determine the fate of the business, but gave Christian Carl Westphal the management of the purchase of the wool and the entire technical direction. At the beginning of the 1840s, the Royal Prussian Sea Trade was considered the largest employer in Prussia. At that time, the maritime trade emanated from a variety of entrepreneurial initiatives that could provide decisive impulses for the entire industrialization of Prussia.

Marriages and offspring

Adelhaid Flor
1st wife
Christian Carl Westphal
Prussian merchant and councilor
Dorothea Emilie Eleonore Schultze
2nd wife and singer at the Berlin Opera
Carl Friedrich Heinrich Westphal
Maria Dorothee Adelaide Westphal
Emilie Margarethe Elisabeth Westphal
Christian Gottlieb Oskar Westphal
Anna Clara Henriette Westphal
Paul Clemens Julius Westphal
Christian Karl Georg Westphal

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Lampson: History of the Lampson Family . Ed .: Peter Lampson. Self-published, p. 220-228 .
  2. ^ EFW Wegener: House and General Address Book of the Royal. Capital and residence city Berlin to the year 1822 . Ed .: EFW Wegener. S. 27 .
  3. ^ Police Rath Winckler: General housing gazette of Berlin-Charlottenburg and the surrounding area to the year 1847. Edited by the Royal Police Rath Winckler Berlin, 1847 . Ed .: Verlag von Veit and Comp. S. Entry on page 543 under Alexander Str. 22 .
  4. a b Dominik Bartmann : Eduard Gaertner 1801–1877 . Ed .: Dominik Bartmann Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Museum Ephraim-Palais for the exhibition March 23 to June 4, 2001. 2001, ISBN 3-87584-070-4 , p. 284 .
  5. ^ Dominik Bartmann: in the 2001 yearbook Stadtmuseum Berlin Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin . Ed .: General Director of the Stadtmuseum Berlin Reiner Günther. 2002, ISBN 3-89487-446-5 , pp. 335-349 .
  6. ^ A b Ilja Mieck: Prussian industrial policy in Berlin 1806–1844: State aid and private initiative between mercantilism and liberalism . In: Walter de Gruyter (ed.): Publications of the historical commission in Berlin .
  7. Christian Carl Westphal: Instructions for the knowledge of sheep's wool and their sorting. Christian Carl Westphal, January 1, 1830, accessed October 1, 2019 .
  8. Walter Mäcking: The relations of the Prussian Maritime Trading for wool trade in the years 1826-1848 . Ed .: Printed by H. Pöppinghaus. 1930, p. 111 .