Paul Fehrmann

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Paul Fehrmann (born October 12, 1859 in Dresden , † June 27, 1938 in St. Gallen ) was a German Kapellmeister , organist , composer and church musician .

life and work

Fehrmann first studied at the Dresden Conservatory with Franz Wüllner and Wilhelm Rischbieter, among others . Then he completed a postgraduate course with Hugo Riemann .

In 1884 he went to St. Gallen as a theater conductor . In 1888 he became organist in the French Church and the Linsebühl Church . In 1892 he became a co-founder and director of the Evangelical Church Choir in St. Gallen. In 1894 he was commissioned to publish "Twenty sacred chants for use by Protestant church choirs". In 1896 Fehrmann was one of the founders of the "Swiss Church Choral Association". From 1897 he was a member of the central board of this organization until a year before his death. In 1907 Fehrmann became a singing teacher at the secondary school and in 1921 organist at St. Laurenzen in St. Gallen.

In 1899 Fehrmann was granted citizenship in St. Gallen.

Fehrmann published works for choir and orchestra as well as sacred and secular choirs and songs such as the motet "Danket dem Herr" based on the underlying old Jewish community verse or the "Jägerlied" based on a poem by Eduard Mörike . Fehrmann also set a poem by Heinrich Leuthold Schweizer Heimkehr to music .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Paul Fehrmann. In: Wilibald Gurlitt (1959).
  2. a b c d e f Markus Jenny: Motet Thanks to the Lord. In: Retrieved November 19, 2019 .
  3. Swiss homecoming. In: VIAF (Paul Fehrmann). Retrieved November 20, 2019 . This VIAF entry on Paul Fehrmann lists more of his works.
  4. Swiss homecoming