Paul Kunisch

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Paul Kunisch (aka Franz Paul Alois Kunisch) (born December 28, 1862 in Berlin ; † September 1, 1938 in Arnswalde ) was a music director .


Paul Kunisch was born as the son of the omnibus conductor Johann Florian Domenicus Kunisch (born October 28, 1831 in Lobedau , Grottkau district / Silesia ) and Sophie Mathilde Emilie born. Fehrmann (1833–1888) born. The father died early, but the mother was still able to make it possible for Paul Kunisch to study music. He studied with Paul Lincke at the Wittenberge pipeline and first found a job as a town musician in Oderberg after playing under Johannes Brahms and Richard Wagner . There he met the young orphaned Helene Hübner (1865–1944), whom he married in 1887. He then moved with his wife to Arnswalde to found a city band at the request of the city fathers. Paul Kunisch became famous beyond the borders of his new adopted home and directed the Arnswalde town band until shortly before his death. Paul Kunisch was on good terms with Carl Teike and Paul Lincke , and he was always in contact with Berlin musicians who wanted to buy his works, but who never had the heart to do it. It was tradition until the end that Paul Kunisch climbed the steeple of the Marienkirche in Arnswalde on New Year's Eve to welcome the New Year with a trumpet concert. Paul Kunisch had five children with his wife Helene: Martha (1889–1936), Maria Magdalene (1892–1961), Lucia (1895–1963), Erna (1898–1967) and Martin Kunisch (1901–1984).


Paul Kunisch was also a composer, but all of his works fell victim to the chaos of war in 1945. Only one piece is still known today: the march "Greetings to Arnswalde".