Paul Merrill Spurlin

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Paul Merrill Spurlin (born October 2, 1902 in Fayetteville (Georgia) , † January 24, 1994 in Middletown (Connecticut) ) was an American Romance studies and literary scholar.

life and work

Spurlin studied at Emory University in Atlanta (graduating in 1925) and in Lyon. He received his doctorate in 1936 from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore with the work Montesquieu and American opinion, 1760-1801 (published by T. Montesquieu in America 1760-1801 , Baton Rouge 1940, New York 1969). He was professor of French at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge , at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa and finally from 1946 to 1970 at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor .

Other works

  • Rousseau in America, 1760-1809 , University of Alabama 1969
  • The French Enlightenment in America. Essays on the Times of the Founding Fathers , Athens 1984

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